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Next Comes - Mao's Birthday

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in the Global Times


Long-term view needed to judge Mao fairly

Today marks the 121st anniversary of Chairman Mao Zedong's birthday. In recent years, whenever the day approaches, there is always a hot debate in China on how to judge the founder of our nation. This year probably won't be an exception.


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Since the Internet has become a platform for public opinion in China, unofficial history surrounding Mao's personal life has been the source of extensive speculation. Extreme views, such as discrediting his moral record and demonizing his leadership, have emerged. It is rare in the world that a founding father of a nation comes under such malicious attacks.

There has been much controversy about Mao's life. Only when the rejuvenation of China under the Party's leadership is realized can he be given a fair judgment.

China has chosen a development path different from the Western world. It is bound to be a bumpy road, and treading it needs collective strong will. Today, support for Mao is growing, even among young people who have no experience of the Mao era. Social forces that resist demonizing Mao are also expanding, an indication that the nation's political basis is consolidating.


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Everything or everyone has both objective and subjective sides. Mao made some serious mistakes but he also had his contribution to China. Hitler also had both good and bad reputation.

I often have dreams when sleeping. Once I dreamed of Mao talking with me. I teased him saying, "As a founder of China, you don't know how to use a cellphone. You need me to teach you." lol,

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In Mao's time we only desired to eat full while being cautious from political point of view. In the modern days we desire to have limousines while talking about politics openly.

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