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Am I the only one???

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Am I the only one who gets to LA everytime (I've visited my fiance 5 times already and will go back to see her again next month) and goes through customs only to get asked "why did you go to China?" My answer is the same everytime because I wanted to see my fiance and spend time with her. Then they say "Why did you stay 20 days" and I answer "Because I wanted to spend time with my fiance", only to get pulled aside like i'm some kind of freak and told to wait till another inspector arrives. Really! I'm not a rude person or sarcastic guy that would make them mad to do this to me! I arrived in LA in January and the guy pulled me aside and handed me to another inspector. The inspector said "Do you know why you are here??" (Its like I got sent to the principle) Then I told him that it happens everytime and I have no idea why. He then asked why I went and then had the audacity to say "Oh! Your marrying a Chinese...are her parents rich???!!" What does that have to do with protecting our borders! No her parents are not rich (The only thing I could guess is that he is implying that I would want to Marry her because her parents pay me or something!). The time before I was pulled aside and the second inspector said "You want to Marry a Chinese! You want to Marry a Chinese!! Why would a America aged 27 that's decent looking want to Marry a Chinese!" It kills me everytime I go through this. I asked him what the problem is with me falling in love with a Chinese?? (Funny thing is that he had asian decent! HAHAHA) and his response was that "Oh! Its just A-typical for an American to want to Marry a Chinese!" Sorry to vent this out to you guys but I just wanted to know if I could complain about these things next time or are they just typical questions you all get asked. For some reason after all this I keep having dreams that I'm Jewish and the Nazis are looking for me and my wife to burn us! They treat me like I have done something dirty. Oh one last thing! LOL! I guess it doesn't help that my parents are from the middle east and my middle name is Ahad! LOL! (you gotta laugh about it or else you'll go crazy) The first time I arrived to LA the guy was so nice to me and then looked down at my passport and got real serious. He then said "where are you from?" My answer was "New Orleans" and he said "You don't *SOUND* like you are from New Orleans" I told him that I was born and raised in New Orleans all my life. I had to finally give him locations from New Orleans to get through because he lived near New Orleans. Am I being over-sensitive or do I have a valid complaint???

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You have every right to complain, I think it will fall on deaf ears though of course you could try to get the media involved and that might raise a few eyebrows. I have been there 3 times gone through Chicago, LA, an SFO nobody ever says anything to me not even on the Chinese side it has always been slow simple an painless.

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I'm like AFShiery - over 15 trips to China, spending 4 - 5 months sometimes with my Chinese wife, and I have never been treated like that. My US passport actually say's "Born in Nigeria", and I have never had a hint of trouble from LAX, SanFran, Chicago, or Dulles.


Maybe it will get better for you, I hope.



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I have never heard of anything like that. I have had absolutely no issues coming or going from Russia.


Who is asking the questions? Passport Control or Customs?


If it is customs... Just answer that you were touring China for a couple of weeks, they don't need to know anything more.


If it is passport control, then they would be able to see your passport full of stamps, and may ask you a question (which isn't any of their business). It is the INS who is supposed to determine whether or not you are being "paid off", in which case you probably wouldn't be doing monthly trips to China. US Customs/Passport Control should do their job and verify that you aren't a Iraqi terrorist and let you back into the country (you aren't carrying any automatic weapons through customs are you?)


As far as the perception of wealthy Asian women trying to come to the USA..... where did he get that? As far as the Russians I have met, those at the top of the heap are perfectly content to stay in Russia. It is primarily those that are dirt poor that are trying to leave. Even those families that can scape together $20K to buy a marriage.... I have heard that it is mostly borrowed money which is expected to be paid back once the woman arrives in the land of plenty.


There are two types of visas to enter Russia, tourist visas, and business visas. It is supposed to be MUCH more convenient for people traveling frequently to Russia to travel on a business visa. If the same is true with China, then the answer would simply be that you are a tax consultant traveling there on business :) (yes, I met a guy that deducted his whole trip that way, I can't imagine he had any conception of Russian taxes).

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The only problem I had with Passport control is the guy that said I don't *SOUND* like i'm from New Orleans LOL....but its usually Customs that makes these comments. Its hard for me to say anything back to them because my flight from Guangzhou to Los Angeles is a 12 hr deep sleep for me! Usually the night before my fiance and I stay up all night talking and trying to get as much time together as possible so when I get there and they say these things there is not a single comment in my mind that I can answer back to them. Its funny though last time they bothered me but the time before I pumped myself up and was sooooooooo waiting for a comment when I arrived. I was just fed up with it, then they just stamped my passport and told me to leave HAHAHA So the last time I thought I just had some bad times and wasn't expecting it all over again. What do you say back anyway?? I own a import furniture company and have traveled to China before I met my fiance and could tell them I went for business but I have nothing to be ashamed of and have nothing at all to hide so I hate to just tell them I went for business just to have them leave me alone. Actually, I may say that from now on. Whatever gets them to leave me alone.


P.S. Donahso-I didn't understand the "tell the guy that you want to Marry a Chinese girl because his wife is a pig" What in the world? LOL! Please explain.

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Last time I came thru NY after visiting my boyfriend in China for the fourth time and got asked for the purpose of my trip. I just replied: for tourism purposes, end of the questionnaire. It makes me wonder what will they tell me for choosing a chinese man???? I hate to think that I have to justify to anyone the decisions I make in my life, it's definitely an abuse of power.

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I got insulted last time flying out of New York. They asked every one to take off the shoes, except me. When I volunteered, the guy said " you don't have to". Interpretation: I tried to stink them or I don't look mean enough to carry any weapon. One other time, years ago I carried a switch blade and flew from Toronto to Hong Kong without a visa for Hong Kong. They heard the metal detector beep and assumed it was the camera I was holding in my hand. The airline caused me to be detained in Hong Kong for entering without a visa, and being drunk and punching a police officer and carrying a knife. Thank god I had a red cover Chinese passport at 22. The only thing they did was to escort me the train to China.

The US customs ask me if I was carrying beef jerky each time I get back, no matter from where.

Man you got to politely ask for the superviser and record the conversation, slam them with a law suit and send the darn tape to the media.

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If you are traveling on a US Passport, you do not need a visa to enter Hong Kong. If I was treated like that on my return from any one of my several trips to China, I would have gotten his name, and badge # and I would go straight to the Immigration office at the airport to report this persons conduct..

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Well Thanks a lot guys!!!


I guess I was the only one treated like that! LOL I'll definately be ready next time with a notepad and pen nearby. I do feel a lot better now that I talked about it......at least I know I wasn't just being oversensitive. Anyway lets just forget all that and go back to worring about our fiance's coming to America! I called NVC today to get a DHL number for my information being sent to GZ and they said they don't have that information. I guess I'll just suck it up and wait. One question, if you know that Guangzhou sent out packet 3, could you have one already filled out and just send it to them before you even recieve theirs?? HAHAAHA Just a crazy thought! Anything to get a shortcut around this waiting game.

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