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Proof of financial standing

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Hello there, I am new to the forum and am seeking some advice.


I am a US Citizen, I have been working in China on a Z-visa for 3 years with a net income of about 20,000 RMB a month which is deposited into my Chinese bank account. I don't send over any money to my inactive empty American bank account. I have about 50,000 RMB in my local bank account. I don't currently have a job waiting for me back in the US and am working for a local company.


My girlfriend and I have been dating for one year and we are getting our hukou in Harbin in October. After the hukou, I plan to apply for her to immigrate to America (I-130).


Can anyone tell me what minimal financial standing I or she needs in order for us to to get approved?


To be specific:

Should I send money over to my US bank?

Does she need to have any money in her own local bank account? (I deposit some money over to her every month to help pay bills/rent to the landlord)


I am planning to ask my mother (home owner/ my residence in the US) and brother (high income) to apply for affidavit of support with me.


Another note is I filed bankruptcy about 5 years ago but I've been maintaining several credit cards and building back my credit.


All of your input is very much appreciated.


Best of luck to all of us.


Thank you.





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Minimum would be assets valued at 125% of poverty line times 3 in the USA.

Other option is get a joint sponsor in the stares.
If you have a joint sponsor, therm there would be no financial obligation.


Credit is also not a factor, however maintaining them in the states goes to show domicile.

Another issue is domicile, you will need to show that living abroad is a temporary condition and you have maintained domicile in the states or in the process of reestablishing domicile.

Lastly very important are IRS returns, you need to report your income very year by filing a 1040, even if your foreign income may be exempt. Late file them, there is no penalty if you owe no tax.


Finances, domicile, and affidavit of support come into play at the time for interview, not when filling the petition.


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Hello there, I am new to the forum and am seeking some advice.


I am a US Citizen, I have been working in China on a Z-visa for 3 years with a net income of about 20,000 RMB a month which is deposited into my Chinese bank account. I don't send over any money to my inactive empty American bank account. I have about 50,000 RMB in my local bank account. I don't currently have a job waiting for me back in the US and am working for a local company.


My girlfriend and I have been dating for one year and we are getting our hukou in Harbin in October. After the hukou, I plan to apply for her to immigrate to America (I-130).


Can anyone tell me what minimal financial standing I or she needs in order for us to to get approved?


To be specific:

Should I send money over to my US bank?

Does she need to have any money in her own local bank account? (I deposit some money over to her every month to help pay bills/rent to the landlord)


I am planning to ask my mother (home owner/ my residence in the US) and brother (high income) to apply for affidavit of support with me.


Another note is I filed bankruptcy about 5 years ago but I've been maintaining several credit cards and building back my credit.


All of your input is very much appreciated.


Best of luck to all of us.


Thank you.







Bankruptcy, per se, should not be a factor.


What WILL be a factor is your ability to support your wife in the U.S. Merely having the "Minimum" on the I-864 is often not enough. You need to convince the Visa Officer that your wife will not become a public charge in the U.S. Toward that end, a joint sponsor, and/or being able to demonstrate an active job search and a viable career would be wise.


Your present job and money situation, as you've described them, are unlikely to help, even after transferring some money to the U.S. What matters is your ability to support your wife after immigration.

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