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1 week till our interview

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March 1st, Li goes to Guangzhou for her interview. She is quite nervous about it, even though i have tried to reassure her she will be ok. I actually thought about taking a Red-eye out and meeting her there, but the logistics couldnt be met.


Patrick & Li


My fiancee and her 4 year old daughter will leave for Guangzhou on Feb 25. They have their medical appointment on the 26 and their visa appointment is on 2 March. She will be staying at the Victory hotel.



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My darlin' is in GZ today doing her med exam. She will fly back to zhanjiang tonight and back to GZ on march 9---her interview is March 10. She is staying at Victory also. We stayed there a couple of times before---nice for the price. She is very worried abvout the interview. She only speaks a little english and is worried about that. We communicate very well--but she worries like an old woman. Her 14 year old daughter speaks very good English---but I doubt if they will ask her anything. Good luck on your interviews--let us know how they go.

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Good luck to everyone. Did I miss something. Is GZ, now the only place you can take a Medical Exam??

I thought you could get the exam pretty much anywhere.

jimb, I noticed you have the tag for the color blue showing when you actually post. If it (the tag) shows up when you post it means you did not close the current tag, or you did not use the close all tags

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if you would like your wife and my fiancee to meet while they are in GZ. Send me an email. My fiancee is bringing her laptop computer to keep me informed about her progress. She could send your wife's emails also.


Im also expecting daily phone calls. Wanzhen is as much of a procrastinator as I am. She's emailing me for help filling out her P4 docs, the day before she is to leave for GZ.



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Good luck to everyone.  Did I miss something. Is GZ, now the only place you can take a Medical Exam??

I thought you could get the exam pretty much anywhere.


no GZ is not the only place you can get the medical exam now, but it does seem that it is a lot closer for many to go there....the only other place that i know of to get one is BJ, but i have read somewhere that SH also is a place, but i am not sure about it, it could be for a different visa or whatever, i have no clue. dont quote me on that one....


my fiance went to BJ (that is where he lives) :P

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