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China's War on Porn

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. . . takes on erotic e-books . . . and one of China's top Web portals, Sina.com.cn


China’s war on porn takes on erotic e-books


The Web site has been censored, with most reading material removed.


Visitors to book.sina.com.cn were greeted with a top story that ran under the simple headline "Apology," and a pink pop-up box that advised readers that the Sina reading vertical was being taken offline while undergoing a “a self-correction action" after finding "inappropriate content."


The crackdown on one of China's most important online companies (Sina is the company that owns the important Sina Weibo microblogging service) was a big story in state media, with CCTV carrying a long segment on it Thursday night and People's Daily making it a front-page story Friday.


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This high-profile case appears to be part of a broader campaign to crack down on pornography and other unsavory behavior, titled "Cleaning the Web" by the Chinese state. According to official reports, China has shut down 110 Web sites and 3,300 social media accounts since the crackdown began in mid-April.

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I know that may all sound harsh, but for me it is refreshing to be away from it all when I visit China. I have a weakness for purty womens...best to see so many with their clothes on. They brighten my days in China, without being distracted, if'n you know whats I mean...:D

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Sniff, sniff...I reckon I'm gonna have to write Chinartucky offa my list of places to live high on the hawg in retirement....well, if'n I was lookin' anymore. If blowup critters would get me in trouble for latex porn or something over yonder in Chinar....then that place ain't for me!!! I don't wanna be sitting in some jail cell spankin' my monkey as my retirement life.


tsap seui

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Somethings, China just seems to do right, this is one of them, pornography/ voyerisum with dubious moral benefits. Think about it men/women looking at other men or women who they know not but desiring and mentally fornicating with them, slightly twisted.

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