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Guest Gene

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Hello Everyone,


My name is Gene. I went to Nanning China October of 2003 to Marry My Beautiful Fiancee Huahua. We have known each other now for just over a year and have fallen deeply in Love. Nanning was a fantastic experience, especially considering my International travel consists of Nogales Mexico for a day when I was 13, oh and I have been to Canada many times. Any way I would like to thankyou all for such a great site, you are all very knowledgable and have helped me answer most questions with previous posts. Well to my question....in the resource and links section of this site there is a downloadable P-3 packet, does anyone have the same thing for the P-4?





PS-I did download the spell check for this application, but I can not get it to work, God knows I need it.

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Funny you should ask since I asked about this just the other day. There is a P-4 set in the files section of the AAC yahoo group. You will have to join if youre not already a member. Most of us frequent it but this is really the best site for K visa couples from the US and China.

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Welcome to this group.


Since you are married, you should recieve in P4 what most of us have recently received.


P4 contained only, 1. The letter of invitation to the interview 2. A family composition Sheet 3. A supplemental notice that visas could be picked up the next day after the interview.


The P3 actually included all of the other paperwork as listed on the GZ Consulate web site.


Bear in mind that what was good for us this month may be completely different in a few months. I have the feeling, though, that they have settled into a fairly stable routine now.



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You are 100% correct, this is a great sight. many knowledgeable folks with good insight and experiences to share. Several who stick around after they have their darlin's home with them. Much better than the "other" sight I was on. You know, the one that blocks out the candleforlove sight with %%%% signs. How un-cool is that?? I was using my initials there (ct). A must read is culrural and language differrence. Some really funny stuff---true but funny none the less. Fell over laughing when they talked about wet bathroom floors and chicken bone spitting etc.. Especially hit home when they discussed the frugal ways of some of their ladys. Mine can squeeze a quarter until it hollars 100 dollar bill. really good stuff all around.

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Thanks to all for your replies. I applied to the ACC group. By the way, USCIS processing dates update as of Feb. 20th, they are processing Dec. 8th files. Thats a 33 day jump in two weeks. :D

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