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FBI video hopes to stop U.S. students from becoming Spies


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A cheesy FBI video hopes to stop U.S. students from becoming Chinese spies...


Very interesting stuff.




The Federal Bureau of Investigation's decision to make a strikingly cheesy, obviously low-budget, half-hour-long video offering U.S. students in China advice on how to avoid inadvertently becoming a spy might strike some as odd. Do people really need advice on how not to spy?


Apparently they do. The FBI video (embedded below) may seem silly, but it is closely based on a real-life story: That of Glenn Duffie Shriver, a Michigan native arrested for attempting to provide national defense information to PRC intelligence officers in 2010.




More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/04/15/a-cheesy-fbi-video-hopes-to-stop-u-s-students-from-becoming-chinese-spies/

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation's decision to make a strikingly cheesy, obviously low-budget, half-hour-long video offering U.S. students in China advice on how to avoid inadvertently becoming a spy might strike some as odd. Do people really need advice on how not to spy?


Yeah, but the young, naive, inexperienced college student is probably more likely to be lured, especially by the cash, than those of us who've built up a good dose of skepticism, wisdom, or whatever you want to call it.

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