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US Citizen's Child Born in China but Cannot Get Citizenship, Have

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Just curious, how did he naturalize without spending 5 years in the U.S.? He had to have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years; I know that you can be outside the U.S. for part of that time, but it seems hard for it to be that much. Also, I would imagine that he would likely have been to the U.S. at least once before he became a permanent resident?


Easy one, think of Bruce Lee, they were born in the USA so was a citizen by birth, however they ended up moving back to the home country shortly after birth, even though a citizen at birth their future children cannot claim citizenship based on this.


Another one US citizen living abroad they have children, claim citizenship file child birth abroad, travel to the states a couple times but not permanently, so the child lives outside the states most of life, grows up marries and has child, again since has not lived in the states cannot claim citizenship for child.



The Us citizen parent has to be physically present in the US for five years which is a tougher standard that being a Permanent Resident for five years of which you only have to be physically present more than half the time (>2.5 years) as long as any single absence is < 6 months. I could see how this could happen. Hopefully he can DCF for the child.



^ This was exactly what happened.


Hope that answers the question.


Thank you.

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