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Timeline - Wow did I get this right

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My wife is looking to file for her son to bring him here to the US. She is a US Citizen.


I was looking at the processing times for USCIS. It shows US Citizen filing for son processing date of March 2013.


Yet right above it shows LPR filing for son processing date 5 months. This would be August 2013.


Seems crazy LPR would process faster than US Citizen.

Am I getting this information correct?


He is 17 right now. His dad won't sign anything to let him come. He needs to be 18 at time of interview. Back in 2009 it only took a few months to bring her parents. I want to make sure we file early enough to have him get an interview soon after his birthday. He will be 18 in August. I would hate to get an interview before his birthday.


Anybody have advice on a good time to file?

Seems like we should go ahead and file now.


Also, I have a copy of wife's birth certificate, but not the white book we got back in 2004.

Will we need to update this?


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Estimate best as you can, and file away MIchael. You can always change the interview date once it is given. We did it for our son who would have missed too many days of high school on the original date we were given (and with the shitty DOS treatment we had at their first interview we were taking nothing for granted as to the success of the 2nd interview). It was no problem to cancel the original date, and we even got the new date we asked for.


That white book birth certificate? We needed one in our son's application and I can't see why that wouldn't be a very highly important piece of evidence for your step son's application. If your wife can't go back to get one, does she have any family members that could get it for her? If allowed.


tsap seui

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