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1/31/2014 CNY

Guest ExChinaExpat

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Lil' rabbit is gearing up for the Chinese New Year. She bought some "house clothes" yesterday, telling me that for the New Year everyone must have new house clothes. And we tried to buy a mess of pigs feet at the local Piggly WIggly yesterday. The meat man told me I would have to call in this morning and order pigs feet as they didn't sell many of them and when they did put in an order they wound up having to reduce the price on them to get rid of them.


Luckily, we are going up to the Chinese food market in State College after I stop in at the VA to talk to one of them PTSD head doctors that work in the "little building" there. I hope they have pigs feet at the Chinese market. The meat ordering guy at the Piggly WIggly told me this morning that it may take them 5 days to get in pigs feet here.


Gosh, sometimes even here in nirvana there can be stress, I asked the guy, "FIVE DAYS????, Man, China New Year is knocking at the dang door, what you ol' boys gotta do....go looking for some pigs?"


Life can be tough sometimes, I scream into this manicured wilderness...who never answers me back other than the occasional dim echo of my delusional voice.


Have a gud New Year yawl...may good luck and money beat a path to yore red papered door, and may the sound of Chinese firecrackers fill yore head 24/7 for the next month or so. YEEEEEHAWWW


tsap seui

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