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China's Air Pollution

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I like Changchun best as there's only one factory, an automobile factory. There're many many universities and parks in my city. I live by a lake. I just learned to rollskate on my beautiful school campus. HOWEVER, my nice life was gone two weeks ago. I've never seen, until now, smog being everyday in Changchun. I've been indoor for two weeks. The heavy air pollution chokes people. I've stopped all kinds of outside activities. So I only go out to teach, ten hours a week.

"Dear heavenly Father, I want my Changchun back."

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Sad to hear Catherine. I know it will take Wenyan a couple of weeks to lose her "China cough" when she returns home in November. It is sad to see this happening to the Chinese people. At least it is something that can be turned around as has been proven it with the awful smog so many of American cities had in the recent past. It is sad to see, no matter who makes the post, the photos of Chinese cities with clouds of smog laying in the fore and background.


I know I could taste coal when I lived in our home in Fushun with Wenyan in the wintertime....all of the windows closed tightly. Wenyan just told me this morning of two more of her school girlfriends, that she grew up with, being diagnosed with cancer. Is it from the air? Who knows, but so many of her friends are passing on from cancer. We can only hope and pray that the powers to be will get more serious about this problem than just closing local factories down for a week or two before a local city has an important pollution conference scheduled.



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