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China's Air Pollution

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I work for a company that builds pollution controls and waste heat recovery systems. Currently the power plants are required to install units on all new plants. the problem is they also install a bypass for the unit at the same time. When the inspectors come they use the pollution control, when they leave they switch to the bypass. there is a rumor in the industry that the GOVT is going to start installing monitors in the stacks that will be tracked via internet to keep real time data for stack gas content.


If they do this our business in China could increase by 200-400 percent. It will not happen quickly, even if they did mandate the new standards today. There is not enough capacity in the domestic market to provide the controls for the 1,600+ 200MW and larger power plants which our main units are made for. It would take 2-3 years to increase the production rate and keep quality standards high.

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I work for a company that builds pollution controls and waste heat recovery systems. Currently the power plants are required to install units on all new plants. the problem is they also install a bypass for the unit at the same time. When the inspectors come they use the pollution control, when they leave they switch to the bypass. there is a rumor in the industry that the GOVT is going to start installing monitors in the stacks that will be tracked via internet to keep real time data for stack gas content.


If they do this our business in China could increase by 200-400 percent. It will not happen quickly, even if they did mandate the new standards today. There is not enough capacity in the domestic market to provide the controls for the 1,600+ 200MW and larger power plants which our main units are made for. It would take 2-3 years to increase the production rate and keep quality standards high.

Good work. Keep it up and stop installing those bypass units. :mobile: for them. I would guess that your business would increase more than 200 to 400 %. There is a lot of work to be done. I guess that the local government official that the plants are in their jurisdictions just don't see the difference either when the do the switching. More money under the table would be my take.


Hope you get filthy rich over, there that is if they will let you. Of course with the cost of cleaning everything up comes more responsibility and of course more cost to do business. That is the main concern. Just my opinion.



Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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China, a really nice place to visit......


tsap seui

Yep, I sure am glad that you didn't have to live in those concrete caves. For an old country boy like us it would be devastating.




You got that right Larry. I like visiting China, getting stared at like I was the Man Who Fell To Earth from outer space, but no way could I handle living in a concrete canyon. It's just not in my DNA. Ya know, I was in Mr and Mrs Yangs apartment up on the 26th floor or so...in their home by the old consulate in Guano. Good God, you look out their windows and all you see is other concrete towers. Look down and you'd get dizzy. Small views of the sky and sun, etc. Some folks thrive on that, I jes ain't one of them. Being in a city crowded to death everywhere you walked....Lord God I felt closed in, like I was in a cage. City's are cool to me for short stays. I'm just extremely lucky that my family gets a choice as to where it lives. Ain't nuthin' wrong with cities or fat bottom wimmin.....everybody finds their place in life. Eh? :victory:


I don't point any fingers at China with their pollution problem, they will get er done in THEIR own time, I have no doubts. It's nice America has it clean air rules and regulations now...but, they didn't get them overnight...a fact many arrogant westerners seem to have forgotten.


I hope companies like AMA's do very well helping China clean up it's air. Good luck citizens of China, you deserve a good life.


tsap seui

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It would be interesting to hear more of what they are trying to accomplish with that para glider UAV craft. Is the intent to just move it around and break up pockets of smog or are they planning to process the smog or what? Converting the smog into something harmless or inert? This may be straying off the subject but doesn't Thailand and China use clouding seeding to produce rain. Cloud seeding sound a little bizarre to me. I guess that they may be chasing the problem instead of trying to prevent it. Perhaps they should be looking at a two prong approach, But what do i know. Danb

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It would be interesting to hear more of what they are trying to accomplish with that para glider UAV craft. Is the intent to just move it around and break up pockets of smog or are they planning to process the smog or what? Converting the smog into something harmless or inert? This may be straying off the subject but doesn't Thailand and China use clouding seeding to produce rain. Cloud seeding sound a little bizarre to me. I guess that they may be chasing the problem instead of trying to prevent it. Perhaps they should be looking at a two prong approach, But what do i know. Danb



Some more about drones in the battle against pollution


Today in smog-fighting drones: Stealths that peer on polluting factories


China to combat pollution using smog-busting drones. Sigh.



Fighting pollution after the fact, of course, won't get them anywhere. There'll still be as much (or WAY more) pollution 10 years from now as there is today, unless they actually tackle the source.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Only DRONES send drones to battle air pollution


But, look at the positive side. At least the drones aren't coal fired.....................are they??? :dunno:


tsap seui

I feel sorry for our families living over yonder in the soup

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"Our commitment . . . to YOU"


China's 'green contribution' to the world


He has announced specific targets and a plan of action: we will implement air pollution prevention by focusing on the large cities and regions with frequent smog, and setting the treatment of PM 2.5 and PM 10 as the key priority. To be more specific, we will get rid of 50,000 small coal-fired power stations, and through a program of renovation we will promote the desulfurization of 15 million KW of coal-fired power plant, the denitration of 130 million KW, and the dedusting of 180 million KW.

This is the strictest, and most rigorous pollution treatment program in the world, and the largest in scale. This "war" on pollution also involves the largest population. In this sense, the declaration of war on pollution represents China's "green contribution" - one which will definitely make a substantial contribution to the wider world.


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Well suh, if that was actually to me, it was at least good for some more laughs.....they've raised them out of poverty.....only they won't get to live as many years as before, to enjoy all them new riches. :guitar:


Just build some more drones and fill the friendly skies...yeah, that's the ticket. :victory: Lord Gawd, I love intellectual thinkers. Dog chasing it's tail sorta thinkers. :happy2:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have another HIT . . .




Global Times:

City dwellers treated to breath of fresh air

Crowds gather in Zhengzhou, Henan Province to breathe from masks hooked up to bags containing mountain air on March 29. Twenty bags of certified air from Laojun Mountain scenic area, located some 300 kilometers away, were shipped into the city as part of campaign to boost tourism. Photo: http://bit.ly/1hpTpIk




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  • 6 months later...

The same old same-o in China. The Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli ordered a temporary shutdown of factories to ensure air quality during a meeting of Asia-Pacific leaders in Beijing next month.

It is the strongest measure yet to curb pollution for the Nov 7-11 meeting in the capital, which has been enveloped by heavy smog over the past few days. :helpsmilie:



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