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The Lone Survivor (movie)

Guest ExChinaExpat

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Guest ExChinaExpat

This is the first I've seen of this new movie today. It looks like it's going to be very good; some say the best since Saving Private Ryan. I found this interview with Mark Lutrell, the sole survivor on 60 minutes and Anderson Cooper.





Edited by GuangDongExpat (see edit history)
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God bless them all that died in those two days, and while the doctors have done a good job of fixing this young man's obvious wounds, may Marcus find peace in the hidden wound that nobody else can see...as we call it.


Strange unexplained things happen in combat. When you survive a bad situation the tape starts rolling at some point down the road....why me, why did I survive and Joe didn't?


Lone Survivor is in my library, no way will I be able to go to the movie. The movie should be studied by the safe people in the suits who send our youth to their stupid little wars in the first place.


tsap seui

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Since the dawning of the Industrial Revolution wars are not fought for God and country but for profit. War is a inventory clearenace sale. It consumes and destroys. Nations must turn to International finance to fund wars and rebuild. For every dollar that is borrowed a nation's soverignty is reduced into the hands of a small group of tyrants.

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Since the dawning of the Industrial Revolution wars are not fought for God and country but for profit. War is a inventory clearenace sale. It consumes and destroys. Nations must turn to International finance to fund wars and rebuild. For every dollar that is borrowed a nation's soverignty is reduced into the hands of a small group of tyrants.

I agree with you about 95% Thomas but in my mind there are some holy wars being fought in the middle east between the hatred for one religious sect and another. It's been going on for 5000 years and will probably continue for another 5000 years. They just plain hate each other and will not stop until one or the other has been wiped from the face of the earth.


Now for America it's the OIL, of course and for many other nations as well. I sadly believe that China is going down this same road in order to become the top dog in the arena. Look what's happening in the South China Sea and I believe that this is just going to be the beginning.



Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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