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Cultural aspect of an ill father

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Hi Todd, My Lao Po chat and i chat 4 to 5 times a week. We both have busy schedules. I am taking some classes and that screws things up. I wish we could chat more often. It is great seeing her. Chatting with her is the best part of my day. Any day and every time. We used to use MSN and Yahoo chat sometimes. We now use QQ Chat. I use QQ International which is in English. She embraces technology for what she needs. She got an Ipad last year. I first saw it when I visited her last year. This year she has two Iphones. She picked up the extra Iphone this year. She has found WeChat/Weixin this year. She is crazy about them. She has a lot of fun sent and receiving messages/notifications daily with them. I am trying to get Wechat to work for me. Having a lot of problems with that but I think the issue is because I am presently in China. My Lao po used to use Kings Software to translate. That seemed to work for us. If something came out funny normally we could tell. It is like night and day the way my wife uses the technology today, compared to what she could do with it 6 years ago. Even if Suli is not that computer savvy now she will probably be able to pick it up or get someone to help her out. My wife is from Nanning which is in the south part of China. What part of China is Suli from? I wish you the best.

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