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New Details About Asiana Flight Crash

Guest ExChinaExpat

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Guest ExChinaExpat

There is new information about the Korean Asiana flight crash in San Francisco earlier this year that carried several young Chinese students. The reports confirm what most suspected:




New Details Emerge in Asiana Crash
WASHINGTON - In the crucial minutes before an Asiana Airlines flight crashed in San Francisco last summer, the pilots voiced concern about the plane's low speed but did nothing to correct it until just before it hit the ground.
A hearing on Wednesday into the July 6 crash that killed three people and injured more than 180, highlighted the pilots' mistaken reliance on the autopilot to maintain their airspeed but also Korean cultural factors that may have played a role and the design of the flight controls.


The pilot flying the plane was "stressed" about hand-flying the plane, according to interviews with National Transportation Safety Board investigators, and hesitant about aborting the landing because he felt the more senior pilot observing him should make that call.


Edited by GuangDongExpat (see edit history)
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There is new information about the Korean Asiana flight crash in San Francisco earlier this year that carried several young Chinese students. The reports confirm what most suspected:




New Details Emerge in Asiana Crash
WASHINGTON - In the crucial minutes before an Asiana Airlines flight crashed in San Francisco last summer, the pilots voiced concern about the plane's low speed but did nothing to correct it until just before it hit the ground.
A hearing on Wednesday into the July 6 crash that killed three people and injured more than 180, highlighted the pilots' mistaken reliance on the autopilot to maintain their airspeed but also Korean cultural factors that may have played a role and the design of the flight controls.




The pilot flying the plane was "stressed" about hand-flying the plane, according to interviews with National Transportation Safety Board investigators, and hesitant about aborting the landing because he felt the more senior pilot observing him should make that call.

he other





This is old news here in the U.S.

The guy was/is new and just screwed up big time.

The other two pilots in the flight deck should have stepped up and taken control.for they knew

there was a problem.


Ya/we can't dump the blame on the Rockie.

We all learn something new during our lifetime and f**k up during the learning precess.


Yes!! people died (3) but there could have been more deaths.



I can fly many different type of planes and i can tell ya this.


getting off the ground is easy, anyone can do it.

BUT!! getting back down on the ground in one peace is a work of art!!.

One is so stressed while landing that you couldn't drive a 16D nail up your ass for your butt is so tight from the fear of death.


The guy made a mistake and he's paying for it now.

god forbid it was not a total loss.

Edited by NUWORLD (see edit history)
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The Captain, Sum Ting Wong and copilot, Wi Tu Lo were not able convince the NTSB that it was a mechanical problem.

:lol: Local news media actually used those fake names, someone duped them.


Posted in July thread http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/45923-asiana-777-crash-in-sfo/

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Guest ExChinaExpat


The Captain, Sum Ting Wong and copilot, Wi Tu Lo were not able convince the NTSB that it was a mechanical problem.

:lol: Local news media actually used those fake names, someone duped them.


Posted in July thread http://candleforlove.com/forums/topic/45923-asiana-777-crash-in-sfo/




I know. I don't mean to make light of a plane crash and loss of life. But, those bozos didn't do their job, and the cultural bs that the copilot is afraid to tell the captain: SUM TING WONG that something is wrong. That is even more bs. This doesn't just happen in Korea, but China also. Most Asian countries have an unspoken face-saving method that forbids openly embarrassing another. This ancient way may enable another to recover and look good, but I think many of our members can tell stories of how it hurts. Unfortunately, in this case it kills. If you want to save FACE, it's best not to stick your head in a garbage disposal.

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I know. I don't mean to make light of a plane crash and loss of life. But, those bozos didn't do their job, and the cultural bs that the copilot is afraid to tell the captain: SUM TING WONG that something is wrong. That is even more bs. This doesn't just happen in Korea, but China also. Most Asian countries have an unspoken face-saving method that forbids openly embarrassing another. This ancient way may enable another to recover and look good, but I think many of our members can tell stories of how it hurts. Unfortunately, in this case it kills. If you want to save FACE, it's best not to stick your head in a garbage disposal.

Oh it was common with western airlines too, to not correct your superiors, but I think the massive 747 on 747 crash back in the 70's between PamAm and KLM struck a cord, the co-pilot of KLM stopped the pilot from a premature take off once, and did not stop him a second time. Since then air crews are trained to speak up.

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Details from CNN:




The first officer aboard Asiana Flight 214 told investigators that he called out the plane's excessive sink rate -- its rate of descent -- "more than four times" in the two minutes before the plane crashed, according to information released by the National Transportation Safety Board on Wednesday as it began a marathon 11-hour hearing into the July accident in San Francisco, which killed three Chinese teenagers.


First Officer Bong Dongwon -- who was sitting in a jump seat behind Capt. Lee Kang Kuk, a trainee, and instructor Lee Jungmin -- said the plane was making a steeper descent than the allowable 1,000 feet per minute, so he alerted the pilots, calling out the sink rate.

But he did not say anything more because they appeared to be correcting the sink rate, Bong told investigators.


"Since Bong advised of high sink rate several times, he was monitoring sink rate and saw that it was decreasing, '1,500, 1,400, going up,'" a summary of the interview says. "When he recognized this correction was going on, and after passing 500 feet, seeing the vertical speed was less than 1,000 (feet per minute), he decided not to advise anything."




A cockpit voice recorder transcript released Wednesday showed the pilot gave three "sink rate" warnings in succession about 52 seconds before impact -- the first two times in English, and the final time in Korean.




Information released at the opening of Wednesday's hearing also shows that investigators are concerned about the role Korean and airline culture played in the crash.


Bong said the crew practiced "cockpit resource management," training that encourages subordinates to speak up about safety concerns to other crew members, despite their senior rank, experience or seniority. But when the student captain was asked whether he had contemplated an aborted landing as the plane descended, Lee Kang Kuk said it was a "very hard" decision to make, given the deference shown in Korean culture.

By the time he pushed the throttle forward, just seconds before impact, he discovered the instructor pilot had already done so.


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Shows you what you can get with stupid pilots, and "face" in a cockpit. NO cockpit protocol whatsoever. And idiots who can't fly a plane by the seat of their pants. IDIOTS and that damned word "face".


I just read a couple of days ago that in China's domestic flights most of their pilots don't even know how to make an ILS approach, because it costs too much. If one airport is smogged in they just divert them to another airport. Christ, even us lowly Army helicopter pilots were trained and knew how to make ILS approaches. We all had military instrument tickets. How many other countries commercial pilots don't have the training to make an ILS approach? My family is stickin' with United. I don't care how old, ugly, or grumpy their stewardesses are. They don't fly the planes. :whistling:


tsap seui

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Shows you what you can get with stupid pilots, and "face" in a cockpit. NO cockpit protocol whatsoever. And idiots who can't fly a plane by the seat of their pants. IDIOTS and that damned word "face".


I just read a couple of days ago that in China's domestic flights most of their pilots don't even know how to make an ILS approach, because it costs too much. If one airport is smogged in they just divert them to another airport. Christ, even us lowly Army helicopter pilots were trained and knew how to make ILS approaches. We all had military instrument tickets. How many other countries commercial pilots don't have the training to make an ILS approach? My family is stickin' with United. I don't care how old, ugly, or grumpy their stewardesses are. They don't fly the planes. :whistling:


tsap seui

Yep, the last time I crossed the pond I got one of those old grumpy stewardess. Very unprofessional and disrespectful especially to my wife and the stewardess was of Asian decent. We will still stay with United too. I won't tell the story because it will take to long and is not worth the time.



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LOL...yep, they can be a grumpy old group. It used to be they got hired on T and A, now the first interview question must be, do you have a negative disposition? But the flights are direct to Beijing (for us) and hopefully the American pilots have long since gotten over that idiotic face in the cockpit crap. If I ever feel the need that my sorry ass needs to be pampered on an airline flight, I'll just plunk down the thousands extra to sit up front and let them kiss my ass all the way to China. :yay:


tsap seui


Just an asshole withan opinion, or is it opinion with an asshole? I never could seem to get that line right.

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  • 2 months later...



***USATODAY.com Breaking News*** U.S. transportation officials have penalized Asiana Airlines $500,000 for failing to assist family members of passengers on a flight that crashed last year at San Francisco airport. The fine announced Tuesday is a first. Regulators say no airline has ever broken U.S. laws that require prompt and generous assistance to the loved ones of crash victims. Three people died and dozens were injured on July 6 when Asiana Flight 214 clipped a seawall while landing.


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***USATODAY.com Breaking News*** U.S. transportation officials have penalized Asiana Airlines $500,000 for failing to assist family members of passengers on a flight that crashed last year at San Francisco airport. The fine announced Tuesday is a first. Regulators say no airline has ever broken U.S. laws that require prompt and generous assistance to the loved ones of crash victims. Three people died and dozens were injured on July 6 when Asiana Flight 214 clipped a seawall while landing.




from CNN


Asiana Airlines fined $500,000 for failing to help families after July crash

The Korean airline was slow to publicize a phone number for families, took two full days to successfully contact the families of three-quarters of the passengers and did not contact families of several passengers until five days following the crash, authorities said.

The half-million-dollar penalty is the first time the DOT has issued a fine under a 1997 law that requires airlines to adopt and adhere to a "family assistance plan" for major accidents.


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