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current name of INS

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Back in Feb or March of last year they changed their name to BCIS (Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services). It was moved under the US Department of Homeland Security.


Last fall the web page changed to www.uscis.gov. US Citizenship and Immigration Services.


There still seem to be lots of references to BCIS.


It has never been clear if BCIS was over USCIS, or visa versa, or if the name was changed. I guess they just want to keep us guessing.


I believe that the NVC and all of the Consulates fall under the Department of State. I think the intention is to keep everything as confused as possible, and make nobody responsible to doing an efficient job.


----- Clifford ------

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1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States.

1968 Act Eliminated immigration discrimination based on race, place of birth, sex and residence. It also officially abolished restrictions on Oriental immigration.

1976 Act Eliminated preferential treatment for residents of the Western Hemisphere.





Doesn't this mean that the visa application and approval notice should be the same for all nations, rather than making it excessively long and cumbersome for some?


----- CK -----

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Thanks guys. After billing 1.4 hours at $400/hr for the firm on this, (after review the offering document and finding this only update). I would say, the more confusing the better. Too bad they don't change the name of the IRS every now and then. Imagine how much work that would generate for all the private equity funds, hedge fund and mutual fund offering docuements, just changing the name.

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I am getting letterhead with BCIS, but the mailing address is USCIS. Me thinks they be schiz.

Interesting. Everything we have received says Department of Homeland Security. No reference to either BCIS or USCIS. Again, different offices, different procedures. Even different names.

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Guest blsqueaky

Well I just looked at my receipts, and they are as follows,


NOA from NSC in July, INS






The letterhead at the top of each page still said INS and the envelopes that they came in was Homeland Security. Go figure

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