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New drug law.

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It seems that some time back I read a post about taking prescription drugs into China. The new law that they were now enforcing came into effect on 1 Jan 2013. The way that I understood it was that if you were bringing in prescription drugs for the family and if the prescription did not have the name of the family member's name on the bottle that the Chinese customs would take them. It was suppose to be legal if a Chinese member mailed a prescription from a Chinese doctor and you had it filled here in the US them it would be legal to take through customs. I am sure that there was more to it but that is the part that I remember. The reason at about the beginning of spring we shipped about $3000 worth of prescription medication to my wife's parents. Lipitor, celebrex, volarin gel,(I don't know if the spelling is 100% correct or not please excuse I don't want to look it up just for spelling. I'm lazy) aspirin and some vitamins. It was never heard of again. We did list what was in the package on the outside of the package. I know that it is legal to bring in prescription medicine for myself but it would be in a bottle with only 30 pills that won't last the two of them long.


I have since looked for this new law but can't find it. I can't just keep sending $3000 worth of medicine to China and have the Chinese customs take it. I guess that taking it into the country without your name on the prescription is also illegal. And most important if the bottle says for 30 pills there shouldn't be a hundred or two hundred in the bottle.


If anyone can reference this new Chines law tat came into effect on 1 Jan 2013 I would greatly appreciate it. I knew that I should have booked marked it. OH dummy me didn't.



Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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It's true, but I'm not sure how you'd go about finding the law. I had been ordering medication through an online pharmacy in India (but only around $200 at a time). The first one that came through after January 1st was held up at customs in Nanning. We had to scramble to get a prescription for one of the drugs, at which point the entire order was allowed through, with the admonition to not do it again.


Simple solution - don't do it again. They're basically just cracking down on that. To get foreign drugs when there are Chinese brands of the same drug available, the prescription would need to specify the foreign drug. I've heard that some of the insurance companies which cover expats will do that for you, but it's hardly worth the extra hassle and money.

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