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An Interesting View of Chinese Dissidents

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. . . from the Chinese side. And probably, for the most part, spot on but more than a little bit harsh.



Chen misread Washington politics


Chen showed his dissatisfaction to the public, claiming that NYU is under "unrelenting pressure" from China, and "the work of the Chinese Communists within academic circles in the United States is far greater than what people imagine."

NYU on the other hand, said that they felt "discouraged," and that Chen's statement was "false and contradicted by the well-established facts."


. . .


China and the US are not enemies. Cooperation between the two will ensure that those radicals who want to see a confrontation between China and the US will not get their wish. They will feel depressed by the US' "irresolute attitude" toward China, and feel "betrayed" because the US government "abandoned them halfway."

It is the fantasy about their own value that "abandoned" them. These dissidents who went overseas will realize that cooperation with China is what prevails. After being "consumed" in a one-off manner, they will turn out to be cumbersome assets of the West. Without a total transformation, they will face a dead end. And for the people around them, more guidance and less agitation will help them find the right path.



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his contract ended, no big deal


I loved the comments... "China bashing as the best ticket for a Green Card; even the village idiot will say he wants to go to America because Abraham Lincoln will fight for him!... And with today's attack dogs like Gillian Wong, Joe McDonald, Alexa Olsen hired by the western controlled mouthpiece like Associated Press trolling for stories to smear China..."

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