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Ancient Chinese Sex Secrets

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Ancient Chinese sex secrets



Harmonious union

Even though the idea of qi might be bogus, the ability to hold your fire can still be beneficial to a satisfying sex life.

Dr Han Meiling, 41, a psychologist and sex therapist who works at Beijing Meiling Psychological Counseling Centre, says, "The most common problem I've noticed among my younger patients is an anxiety and confusion about sex. Many male patients find themselves reaching an orgasm too quickly, and feel ashamed when their female partners do not experience the same," she says.

Han says she believes modern science can benefit patients with practical tips and explanations of how to perform and enjoy sexual acts. However, she says ancient Chinese sex wisdom still has value in modern society, and science often only goes so far as to explain sex as a physical process. The roles of yin and yang still form the crucial concept of sex as a communicative act, one which tries to achieve unity and fulfills an emotional need.

"Qi is a cosmic vital energy that ensures our survival and links the universe together as a whole. Death disperses life, and qi is an accumulation of all life on Earth," she says.

Han says every person is born with their core qi potential, and has the job throughout life of sustaining it over time. Sex is just one way of doing so. Because sex is a unity of two individuals, she says, retaining the male qi can benefit both people. However, Han says male qi is not the only aspect of good sex that requires nurturing.


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Well sir, that wuz some interesting reading. I admittedly am not well versed in or even think about being much of a dadgum Taoist.


Instead, being much more of a "Hillbillyoist" I can say, with a proud redneck grin, that I never did hold back my qi in my dealings with respect to "lunar modules" as it were. Instead I rigorously adhered to the principle of increasing my manly strength by joyfully dispersing my qi as often, and with as many willing lunar modules as possible. :eyebrow:

"The role of qi is contrived here. Ancient Chinese sex wisdom even speaks of a man's strength increasing the more women he sleeps with."


Thank you ever so kindly Tao, Mao, Yin, Yang, Buddha, Bubba, and the man up above.


And that is all I have to say on that subject.


tsap seui

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I can say through personal experience that there is much wisdom in ancient Chinese sexual practices. We have experimented with various techiniques for years and the results have been incredible. There are a number of good books out on the subject and I recommend The Yin Yang Butterfly by Valentin Chu. I would go into more detail on this, but Li would mop slap me into the great beyond if she discovered that I was sharing our more intimate secrets. :shutup:

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