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AOS interview coming up soon for step son

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Hi all. My wife had her AOS interview about a month ago and because of some problems with paperwork, my step son's interview was delayed. His interview is later this month. Any ideas on how we should prepare for his interview? His AOS is based on hers, which she already has. Not sure how an interview for him will go down or what we would need to bring. We brought marriage doc, bills....etc for my wife's.


Any input would be appreciated.


thanks all

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I would suspect nothing complex, just a formality, quite surprised they did not rubber stamp it approved without an interview based on mother's approval.


I would simply bring the copy of everything sent in with step-son's AOS application, and suspect will be a very quick ordeal.

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Thanks Dan. I was hoping for the "rubber stamp" too. So we should focus on bringing docs/evidence related to him? No need to bring in marriage cert and relationship type stuff again? Maybe photos of the family together?

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Thanks Dan. I was hoping for the "rubber stamp" too. So we should focus on bringing docs/evidence related to him? No need to bring in marriage cert and relationship type stuff again? Maybe photos of the family together?

I would bring marriage cert, and relationship evidence, copy of marriage cert and his birth cert should have been in the I-485 application to establish his step child relationship to you.

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