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AOS interview today - left with mixed feelings

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We had our AOS interview this morning for 2 yr conditionl and I left there with mixed feelings.


The very first thing I was asked was "what is your father in laws name?" I drew a complete blank. The times I have been around him I call him "Ba Ba". Then she grilled my wife about CCP. The officer misunderstood her answer but after letting my wife explain I think that part was OK The officer asked my wife how she wants her name to appear on the card. The rest of the questions went pretty well. Then she asked for evidence of our marriage and we gave her about 20 photos, a bank statement showing both our names on the account, and my health insurance statement showing she is on my health insurance. Then the officer asked me who is the beneficiary of my life insurance policy through work and I told her my wife is. She asked me for proof and I didn't have it. Then she asked if my wife is on my rental lease and I told her we haven't added her yet because our lease is up next month and we were planning to add her then.


I felt really good at times during the interview and really bad at times. I got a lot of mixed feelings during this interview. The officer told us my step-son's interview is coming soon and that we can bring more documentation to that.


Do you think we are sunk?


thanks all

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I doubt you are sunk. A lot of folks even get approved without an interview. Where did this interview take place, if you don't mind my asking? Way back when we had ours (December 2004), it was a very pleasant and cordial affair with few questions. Perhaps the fact that we had our daughter, age seven months at the time, with us gave them enough evidence. That question about your father in laws name must have been a curve ball for sure. I wish I could be more help, but I have never heard any details of a case where AOS has been refused. I am sure it happens, but I have not seen any such cases. Like I said, I don't think this sinks you by any means.

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Thinking back over it, we answered most of the questions correctly. There were a few we stumbled on but yeah....that question about her dad was a curve ball for sure. We weren't asked many questions at all about our currently relationship. Just things like "what city was she born in, and where was she working when I met her?" Stuff like that. Nothing was really asked of us about our marriage/relationship now.

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Sounds like they were just checking to make sure you really know each other. At our AOS interview the IO gave my wife a piece of paper and asked her to write her address on it. I doubt they would have asked how you want the name to appear if they denied you. I am a little surprised they didn't tell you the results. They did at ours.

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We had our AOS interview this morning for 2 yr conditionl and I left there with mixed feelings.


The very first thing I was asked was "what is your father in laws name?" I drew a complete blank. The times I have been around him I call him "Ba Ba". Then she grilled my wife about CCP. The officer misunderstood her answer but after letting my wife explain I think that part was OK The officer asked my wife how she wants her name to appear on the card. The rest of the questions went pretty well. Then she asked for evidence of our marriage and we gave her about 20 photos, a bank statement showing both our names on the account, and my health insurance statement showing she is on my health insurance. Then the officer asked me who is the beneficiary of my life insurance policy through work and I told her my wife is. She asked me for proof and I didn't have it. Then she asked if my wife is on my rental lease and I told her we haven't added her yet because our lease is up next month and we were planning to add her then.


I felt really good at times during the interview and really bad at times. I got a lot of mixed feelings during this interview. The officer told us my step-son's interview is coming soon and that we can bring more documentation to that.


Do you think we are sunk?


thanks all


Yes, a curve-ball, just to catch your reaction. Baba would have worked just fine. Jiaying was asked what her home address was. We both knew we hadn't rehearsed that, so the answer was "oops!", followed by laughter. End of interview. Strictly business (and a little pleasantness tossed in) from there, along with the admonition that she needs to know her address. If I'd been on my toes there, I might have had her whip out her driver's license - no problem.


Be more relaxed, and don't worry about what she seems to think. Definitely bring more evidence. Sounds like you did a good job of straight-forwardly answering the questions.

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Thanks Randy. When the nerves are high I can sometimes over think things which doesn't help. I checked their website this evening and our status for I485 has been changed to "approved". We are still planning to bring the extra evidence to my step son's interview when it is scheduled.

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