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Need Advice on Bringing Pet to US from China

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My father's Chinese wife should (possibly) be getting her visa shortly. The problem is that she will be bringing 2 cats with her and she's dead set on using a pet transport service, which costs a minimum of $2,000. My father is not wealthy and would like to try to find an alternative. We have both read up on the regulations and everything seems very straight-forward: the pets must have all required vaccines, they must have a health certificate, and you must make the needed arrangements with the airline(s). Jing, my father's wife, insists that it's not that simple. For example, she says pets can only exit China from Beijing... which seems very strange. Part of the problem is that Jing's English is not very good so I never know if we actually understand one another. And my father and I are in the US so it's difficult to try to make these arrangements. If anyone here has any knowledge of "pet immigration" to share, I would really appreciate the help!




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