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Not much recent coverage about Peace Prize and /or the new leadership

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Hello, I haven't seen much news (western) coverage about China's new leadership. I thought they were going to be elected/anounced the first week in October in Beijing.


Also I haven't heard much about Mo Yan, the Chinese writer, who just won the Noble Peace prize for Literature. It sounded as if the Chinese government was happy about him winning the prize. I am a little surprised because the little that I did read about him it sounded as if he was a little critical of China. Has anyone read any of his writing or any movies based on his writing? Danb

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"..Also I haven't heard much about Mo Yan, the Chinese writer, who just won the Noble Peace prize for Literature. It sounded as if the Chinese government was happy about him winning the prize...."


Mo is not the first Chinese author to win the Noble Prize (not Peace Prize) for literature. Gao Xingjian also did in the late 1990's. I read his "Soul Mountain" (in translation) and found it difficult at best, since it has a rather quixotic mix of the real (place and time movement) experiences, with almost trance like out of body observations.

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