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Hello from Florida! Help me out!!!

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Unfortunately, I'm with Randy on this---looking from the cynical perspective of a VO (which is their role at the State Department) --- this could have been put together in one afternoon---to portray a loving relationship which is, actually, nonexistent, for the purpose of visa fraud.


As I said in the begging, I as of now have


Travel itinerary for at least 5 trips in a yaer.

Hotel bills.

Resteraunt bills.

Mailing receipts

Tons of pictures

Over 1800 pages of contact showing at least 10-12 hours of daily conversing (this will not be presented at a treasure hunt, I will context if they are interested in searching in detail)

Evidence of me meeting her ETIRE family, spending time with them.

Letters hand written between us.

Screen shots of Skype, face time.

Evidence of proposal.

Intent to marry, Including booked venues with floating dates

Family support of relationship.

Letters, from teachers, bosses mentors.


This list will continue until this interview actually comes. Which we are going to shoot for about july august next year.


Although I entirely appreciate your concern, and not to start a poo fight like most forums end up as. No disrespect meant, but it seems you two may have taken some things out of context without following to the rest of the conversation, so just to clear up this matter.


As a disclaimer


*The video was presented as entertainment purpose on this website, I know that the consulate will not care about it, and I never intended to present it as evidence, this was started as a little fun way to keep in contact with her from a far.*

Edited by Bparks777 (see edit history)
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Also I am becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of approaching this without a lawyer. I am finding this site very helpful and nurturing in this area. Please understand my concern as this is a huge process! I my worry of hurting my chances, by making a stupid clerical error.

Cool, In my case I researched the process and followed a couple guides.


Used VJ's guide to organize the petition here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?autocom=custom&page=k1guide


Studied the process in this book: http://www.amazon.com/Fiance-Marriage-Visas-Couples-Immigration/dp/1413312543


From a quick search of Amazon I spotted this one: http://www.amazon.com/K-1-Fiance-Visa-China-Documents/dp/1453889620/ (from quick look it may be helpful)


Our case was simple, no prior marriages, she was an English teacher, my income was stable and sufficient, we had a good length of online relationship, so no issues. I did the paperwork from I-129F petition to Adjustment of status, Removal of conditions, and Naturalization, no problems, just study the process before making the big jump.

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Also I am becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of approaching this without a lawyer. I am finding this site very helpful and nurturing in this area. Please understand my concern as this is a huge process! I my worry of hurting my chances, by making a stupid clerical error.

Cool, In my case I researched the process and followed a couple guides.


Used VJ's guide to organize the petition here: http://www.visajourn...om&page=k1guide


Studied the process in this book: http://www.amazon.co...n/dp/1413312543


From a quick search of Amazon I spotted this one: http://www.amazon.co.../dp/1453889620/ (from quick look it may be helpful)


Our case was simple, no prior marriages, she was an English teacher, my income was stable and sufficient, we had a good length of online relationship, so no issues. I did the paperwork from I-129F petition to Adjustment of status, Removal of conditions, and Naturalization, no problems, just study the process before making the big jump.


Purchased them, will be sure to read and understand them. I have already been studying on Visa Journey, very helpful. Thanks Dnoblett!

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To add to what Kim is saying, I'm going to comment on your video as well. I hate to be critical (and don't intend this as criticism), but the video is fluff as far as your visa application is concerned. It may be a nice love story, but I don't see any relationship evidence in it.


Not that you WOULD submit the video as evidence, but my advice is to avoid the fluff and try to stick to the real evidence. It's nice to have a thick pile, but not if it simply makes them hunt for the relevant stuff.


I never mentioned that I wanted to submit the video as evidence, I couldn't as electronic possessions have to be left outside....? The only reason I put it up was just for entertainment purposes period.


No one suggested that you WOULD submit IT - in fact, I suggested that you WOULDN'T. I pointed to it as an example, not to disparage your creativity.


What you'll get here is a variety of opinions - it's up to you to sort through which are useful. One thing we CAN'T do is to look over your shoulder to see what you're actually submitting.


My GUESS (and it's strictly that) based on what I'm seeing is that you need to cut back on fluff, and concentrate on real evidence - but only you would know for sure.

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A legitimate question, what would you consider adding to my list? A serious question

Your list is logical and comprehensive.


I would not fret much about the lost my-space documentation, it is normal to sometimes lose the how you met evidence, loss makes logical sense, beginning of relationship was not serious with no plans, starting documenting prior to first trip or at the point when you actually get serious actually makes more sense.


Also the time to build the case and relationship evidence is before petition filing, it is called front-loading, and put this in the petition file, not wait until interview time thinking can present this at the interview, that WILL be too late.

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Unfortunately, I'm with Randy on this---looking from the cynical perspective of a VO (which is their role at the State Department) --- this could have been put together in one afternoon---to portray a loving relationship which is, actually, nonexistent, for the purpose of visa fraud.


As I said in the begging, I as of now have


Travel itinerary for at least 5 trips in a yaer.

Hotel bills.

Resteraunt bills.

Mailing receipts

Tons of pictures

Over 1800 pages of contact showing at least 10-12 hours of daily conversing (this will not be presented at a treasure hunt, I will context if they are interested in searching in detail)

Evidence of me meeting her ETIRE family, spending time with them.

Letters hand written between us.

Screen shots of Skype, face time.

Evidence of proposal.

Intent to marry, Including booked venues with floating dates

Family support of relationship.

Letters, from teachers, bosses mentors.


This list will continue until this interview actually comes. Which we are going to shoot for about july august next year.


Although I entirely appreciate your concern, and not to start a poo fight like most forums end up as. No disrespect meant, but it seems you two may have taken some things out of context without following to the rest of the conversation, so just to clear up this matter.


As a disclaimer


*The video was presented as entertainment purpose on this website, I know that the consulate will not care about it, and I never intended to present it as evidence, this was started as a little fun way to keep in contact with her from a far.*


My suggestion is to look at what you already have with the idea of making a presentation that would give a first impression of a loving relationship, and the evidence to back it up. That first impression can be very important - if they have to hunt through a stack of paper to find it, well, it just won't be as effective.


Concentrate on paring the pictures down to a dozen or so that would be most effective - include others as you see fit, especially if they are from a variety of situations


I don't know what your evidence is of meeting her entire family - hopefully pictures. I think those are most effective.


Handwritten letters are VERY effective to show the communication between you, whether English or Chinese.


Showing family support can be helpful.


Pare it down to something someone can pick up and immediately see the loving relationship - then add supporting evidence as you see fit without losing the overall picture.


My overall advice comes to exactly that - don't lose sight of the picture you are presenting by overwhelming it with evidence.

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So one question? Around next summer June or July she will have a bit of time off, I was hoping to see if I could get her to come here on a tourist visa, so she could meet more of my family, I would like to take her to Disney, Universal studios you know... do the tourist, Florida things. She might be interested in visiting campuses to specialize her nursing in various aspects. How impossible do you think it would be for her to get a tourist visa for a 2 week stay?


I hear that the United States is trying to lax up non immigrant approvals in countries like China and so forth, claiming that over 90% will be granted? What do you guys think? 21 year old Chinese girl... Think she even has a chance to get a tourist visa?

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A few comments...

1. SLOW DOWN... your in hyper drive and your spelling shows it. You need to pace yourself better. Step back. Why are you not marrying? How would she respond to a VO?

2. She found you... twice... The US is her logical next step in life. Realize what is going on around you as you turn circles. It is making me dizzy.

3. Forget the lawyer. We have seen mostly trouble caused by lawyers. I won't get into it. Just save your money and headache since they don't know GUZ

4. Forget the co-sponsor... your last year is fine... and by next year it is two good years.

5. Many think 1800 pages of documents is meaningful. Not to GUZ. More is not better. Plan wisely, not just play the elephant.

6. You guys are young and short lived in relationship. That is the main issue for GUZ... and why she found you twice. that is working against you if you play that up too much.

7. Her nursing degree does not translate to nursing here... but she has the background to do it all over again... plenty of opportunities for that in FL.

8. The last three items in the list are not really meaningful. As was said; Less fluff and more solid evidence. Letters from bosses saying what? Your not going to simply convince a VO to pass her because someone writes a letter on your behalf unless they have spent time with BOTH of you.

9: Tourist visa? In the past, it was highly unlikely... My guess is that she'll be highly unlikely. How would she present her reason? Your welcome to try of course.

10. Did I mention, SLOW DOWN... and why not marry her? The girl to die for and live long with... but you can't marry her yet? For all the Last Tango in Paris hoopla... this doesn't add up either... Oh yea... she found you twice. Perspective.

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A few comments...

1. SLOW DOWN... your in hyper drive and your spelling shows it. You need to pace yourself better. Step back. Why are you not marrying? How would she respond to a VO?

2. She found you... twice... The US is her logical next step in life. Realize what is going on around you as you turn circles. It is making me dizzy.

3. Forget the lawyer. We have seen mostly trouble caused by lawyers. I won't get into it. Just save your money and headache since they don't know GUZ

4. Forget the co-sponsor... your last year is fine... and by next year it is two good years.

5. Many think 1800 pages of documents is meaningful. Not to GUZ. More is not better. Plan wisely, not just play the elephant.

6. You guys are young and short lived in relationship. That is the main issue for GUZ... and why she found you twice. that is working against you if you play that up too much.

7. Her nursing degree does not translate to nursing here... but she has the background to do it all over again... plenty of opportunities for that in FL.

8. The last three items in the list are not really meaningful. As was said; Less fluff and more solid evidence. Letters from bosses saying what? Your not going to simply convince a VO to pass her because someone writes a letter on your behalf unless they have spent time with BOTH of you.

9: Tourist visa? In the past, it was highly unlikely... My guess is that she'll be highly unlikely. How would she present her reason? Your welcome to try of course.

10. Did I mention, SLOW DOWN... and why not marry her? The girl to die for and live long with... but you can't marry her yet? For all the Last Tango in Paris hoopla... this doesn't add up either... Oh yea... she found you twice. Perspective.


I just want to mention, most of my posts are done while at work. So I tend to type quickly and maybe make couple grammatical mistakes. I am usually running between 1,000 things.


Just to address


1. She found me once. She didn't stalk me down, she knew I had a Facebook, but at the original time we met, she didn't have access to it. Some time after we lost contact she ended up being able to access facebook, and new enough about me to find me pretty easily. On my part sifting through myspace to find a Shen, Chen in Shanghai was not that simple. But people make it sound like she is hunting me down, on the prowl for my visa, there is no real reason to believe that. People lose contact, and people find each other again.


2. I am going to ditch the lawyer, in favor of the knowledge here.


3. Correct me if I am wrong but any co sponsors, even if my income is adequate would be helpful right?


4. I plan on consolidating evidence into its most powerful form, but I also plan on presenting the quantity also.


5. We are waiting for her to Finish her degree, and it's mainly because its something she WANTS to do, whether it be peace of mind or whatever reason, I told her I would respect any needs she has. I figure we have time on our side as of now and any length from us meeting in person to when we file will just be beneficial?. I would love to marry her, and whatever way it needs to be done, will be done. We are both committed, and understand this wont be easy. I'm here to gather as much information as possible before hand to make educated decisions. From what I have heard the best way to do this would be wait for the K1 visa, but if need be, we have no problem pursuing a k3. It's all about playing the game of chess strategically, as to not play cards when not necessary at the moment.


6. With much research, and talking to different groups on the phone, it's actually not very difficult for say a Chinese nurse to become qualified to work here, it's mainly just certification, but she would not be required to retake her classes.



I am sorry if I come off worried, but I am. I have found someone very dear to me. It should be between (Me, and her) our relationship now has Uncle Sam putting his big boot in, I understand why. I need encouragement, because I tend to beat myself up, because people always look to me for the one with answers, or solutions and right now I don't have any. To be completely honest. I am like you said " I am stuck in overdrive" and I don't know how to stop it? Problem is I am a very goal, and action oriented person. Waiting games get to me, I want to at least have a sailing course, so even if not "sailing" I at least know the details of what needs to be done. I cant help but spend all my time researching material, and the overwhelming presence of everything just gets me lost sometimes. I found someone very dear to me. I want to be with her, but that keeps forcing me I'm trying to sleep, get up and open the computer to read.


The real question is, how did all of you do it? How were you able to keep from going nuts with worry? Does it get easier? How do you guys handle shutting the computer and resting?


Please keep in mind not to get upset with me, I am moldable, I not set on any path yet. I will do whatever is best, You guys are the experts, I am not. Encourage me, and please educate me.

Edited by Bparks777 (see edit history)
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I hear that the United States is trying to lax up non immigrant approvals in countries like China and so forth, claiming that over 90% will be granted? What do you guys think? 21 year old Chinese girl... Think she even has a chance to get a tourist visa?


Were did you get your source of more non-immigrant visa being approved ?

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I hear that the United States is trying to lax up non immigrant approvals in countries like China and so forth, claiming that over 90% will be granted? What do you guys think? 21 year old Chinese girl... Think she even has a chance to get a tourist visa?


Were did you get your source of more non-immigrant visa being approved ?


Remains to be seen, but . . .




Gary Locke[/b], U.S. Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China"

]This year we expect about 90 percent of all the people who apply for visas will be issued a visa in China.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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5. We are waiting for her to Finish her degree, and it's mainly because its something she WANTS to do, whether it be peace of mind or whatever reason, I told her I would respect any needs she has. I figure we have time on our side as of now and any length from us meeting in person to when we file will just be beneficial?. I would love to marry her, and whatever way it needs to be done, will be done. We are both committed, and understand this wont be easy. I'm here to gather as much information as possible before hand to make educated decisions. From what I have heard the best way to do this would be wait for the K1 visa, but if need be, we have no problem pursuing a k3. It's all about playing the game of chess strategically, as to not play cards when not necessary at the moment.


Good to see actively researching things, I always wonder why people get fixated on K-Visas and dont seem to know about the CR-1 Spouse visa? K-3 is an OPTION which is based on a CR-1 spouse visa, the K-3 was set up for cases where it was taking a very long time to get an I-130 spouse visa petition approved.


Here are the costs breakdowns, visa petition filing to green-card..


I-130 CR-1/CR-2 Spouse/Step child case

  • I-130 $420 each
  • DS-230 $330 + $74 Each
  • I-864 (IF I-130 is filed in the USA) $88
  • Total $824 each DCF, $912 each if filed petition in the USA
  • Grand Total $1648 DCF, $1824 if filed in the states.

I-129F K1/K2 Fiancee visa

  • I-129F $340 (Just for K-1, K-2 gets a derivitive visa)
  • K-Visa fee at Consulate $350 each
  • I-485 fee for green cards after marriage $1070 each
  • Total $1760 for K-1 and $1420 for the K-2
  • Grand Total $3180

I-130 + I-129F K3/K4

  • I-130 $420 each
  • I-129F (No charge)
  • Petitions reach NVC
  • Takes the K-3/4 path, if somehow I-129F is seperated and approved before I-130 at USCIS
    • K-Visa fee at Consulate $350 each.
    • I-485 $1070 each to adjust status after arriving on a K-3/K-4
    • Grand Total $3680

    [*]Takes the CR-1/CR-2 path if USCIS sends both CR-1/CR-2 and K-Visa petitions to NVC

    • DS-230 $330 + $74 each
    • I-864 $88
    • Grand total $1824

I did not add costs for Medical, Vaccinations and Postage, it is essentially the same in any case.





  • 9-12 months if petitions are filed in the USA
  • 3-4 months if petitions are filed in China (living in China and have at least 6 months residency in China).


  • 9-10 months petitions must be filed in the USA


  • 9-12 months a CR-1/CR-2 I-130 petitions need to be filed first in the USA followed by filing an I-129F for the K-3/K-4.
  • What happens next is the USCIS ties the spouse visa petition to the I-129F, then process together, and in the vast majority of cases they approve the I-130 at the same time as I-129F and mail both together to NVC where NVC closes the I-129F (K-Visas) and proceeds with the I-130 petitions. (The reason the K-3/4 exist as an option has to do with a problem that existed 8-10 years ago where it was taking a very long time for USCIS to process I-130 petitions, the K-3/4 was offered as an option for a married couple to be reunited while waiting for the I-130 to be approved, after which they could either return to home country and interview for the spouse visa, or could then adjust status in the USA. Since USCIS is approving the I-130 BEFORE K-3/4 would be issued, the whole reason for K-3/4 no longer exists, (WAITING for I-130 aproval))

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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