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Empty Streets

Guest ExChinaExpat

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Guest ExChinaExpat

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve. Nearly every single Chinese person is where they want to be right now. The largest migration on earth began within the last few days. Something rarely seen in China are the empty streets and stores closed you see today. This day is as important if not moreso, as Christmas was in America before 1980. Be sensitive and caring to your partner today. Give her greetings, and wish her a Happy Chinese New Year. Xin Nian Kuai Le (Sheen Nee-en Kwai Loo-a)


All the best to everyone.

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We had a great time yesterday evening in our home, eating dumplings and laughing, and calling friends and family in China. Got to see ma and ba and one of the brother's daughter on QQ. Pretty exciting stuff...glad we are here in America though. Maybe next New Years we, or at least Wenyan will head back to Chinertucky for a bit.


Our evenings are generally spent together laughing and talking and cutting up with each other. Everyday is a holiday with these two. :yahoo:


Happy New Year, yawl....


tsap seui

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Talked to ChunMei last night. The doctor has allowed her father to come home from the hospital for New Year, but she must take him to the hospital every day for treatment and therapy. But so far she's having a good new year. I'm happy she can spend it with her family, but everyone in her family wishes I was able to be there.


Next year...

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Talked to ChunMei last night. The doctor has allowed her father to come home from the hospital for New Year, but she must take him to the hospital every day for treatment and therapy. But so far she's having a good new year. I'm happy she can spend it with her family, but everyone in her family wishes I was able to be there.


Next year...


Heres to hoping things work out for the best with ba, Nick.


In our lil' Chinatown in the mountains (population 3) we were eatin' more delicious dumplings and celebratin' last night. Gam be left and right as we toasted, or roasted, each other and the world around us in jest. Wenyan was drinkin' some Coors while Fengqi and I were hoisting some mixed drinks I make....Apple/Cran mixed in with OJ with lots of pulp....mixed half n' half straight up. Yeeehawwwww


I drank all of my share of booze and probably part of yours too, before I was even 35. So now since 1985, I drink my rip snortin' fire breathin' "mixed drinks."


Wenyan drank a single bottle of Coors and got a lil' light on her skids (as we say in rotorary wing aviation)....I look over and she is mixing Coca-cola in with her beer. :rotfl: I cracked up on that one...she swears it's good...yes siree, Coke n' Coors, drink of the Gods I tells ya.


As far as the "empty streets" here in Chinertown/Bedford, Pennsyltucky.....well partners, we went to our attorney this mornin' to get teh paperwork started on Wenyan's rental business and write up a will, power of attorney, and advanced directive for me. We parked right there on one of the very two MAIN streets in this thriving and teeeming metropolis. There were at least 2 count them TWO cars that went by in the 15 minutes we sat out front waiting to go in to the esquire's office. What a hoot, we sat there just laughing at life, ourselves, and everything around us. :pash: We reckoned everybody was at home enjoying CNY.,,,, ROCK N' ROLL HOOTCHIE KOO, baby!!!!


Ain't life grand?


tsap seui

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Ying and I went to the Chinese New year Gala at U.F. Sunday night. Surprisingly the place was packed. There were dance and music performances by young people and a skit that lasted to long and was very boring even for those who spoke the language. There were people continually walking the aisles, talking, cell phone lights and kids running around. The program really need an hour of fireworks. We got home around 2300 and Ying commenced making dumplings...she's a real trooper. Xin Nian Kuai Le, y'all!

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