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Random acts of kindness.


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Had something really special happen to my daughter Vanessa last night. Last night we went to a local used book and movie store called Bookman's. Bookman's is a real cool quirky type of store will you never know what you're going to find. My daughter loves to go there because they have a lot of guitars and musical instruments she likes to play with. Well she picks out a guitar and we walk over to the cafe area, she sits down and starts to play. She plays for about 20 minutes going threw different songs that she knows, some the she's written herself or covers songs she's heard on the radio.


Vanessa is a very good guitar player, she plays electric, base and acoustic guitars she has a love for music that is a joy to behold... :)


When she took a break from playing for a moment a man and his wife walked up to her the man asks her if she ever taken any lessons and she said no she had taught herself the man who complimented her on how well she played. The man, my daughter and his wife talked about the guitars and music for couple minutes and then the man left with his wife.


About 10 minutes later the man and his wife return and talk to my daughter again this time he hands her a receipt. My daughter asks the man what was was for and the man told her happy birthday the guitar is paid for, it yours. I ask the man thank you very much but why would you do this.


The man eyes got teary and he was choked up for a couple minutes, then he looked at me and said because mines dead. I said your daughter is dead? He shook his head no and said my son, he was 19.


Wow what a shock to hear. my daughter got very quiet and then she asked the man is it okay if I give you a hug. I watched the man's face as my daughter gave him a hug and I could tell from the look on his face in his mind it was not my daughter he was giving a hug.


The man went on to tell us a little more of his story, about how his son also loved to play the guitar and how they would sit together and play. He said every so often something would happen that would remind him of the son and watching vanessa play had done that.


I don't know but maybe when that man of the guitar for Vanessa in a way he was buying it for his son also.


The man's son's name was Luke. My daughter does this funny little thing where she names all of her guitars. She paint the name on the front of the guitar, this 1 will be called Lukes guitar.


I think this was a real good life lesson for my daughter to experience, vanessa and I talked about it a little bit and she was really moved by the man's gesture.


We have the man's wife's business card and vanessa sent her an email today inviting both of them to her guitar and orchestra concert next week.


I hope the man find a little bit of peace, and closure in his life because I could tell it still tears him up pretty bad.

Edited by RobertH (see edit history)
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Had something really special happen to my daughter Vanessa last night. Last night we went to a local used book and movie store called Bookman's. Bookman's is a real cool quirky type of store will you never know what you're going to find. My daughter loves to go there because they have a lot of guitars and musical instruments she likes to play with. Well she picks out a guitar and we walk over to the cafe area, she sits down and starts to play. She plays for about 20 minutes going threw different songs that she knows, some the she's written herself or covers songs she's heard on the radio.


Vanessa is a very good guitar player, she plays electric, base and acoustic guitars she has a love for music that is a joy to behold... :)


When she took a break from playing for a moment a man and his wife walked up to her the man asks her if she ever taken any lessons and she said no she had taught herself the man who complimented her on how well she played. The man, my daughter and his wife talked about the guitars and music for couple minutes and then the man left with his wife.


About 10 minutes later the man and his wife return and talk to my daughter again this time he hands her a receipt. My daughter asks the man what was was for and the man told her happy birthday the guitar is paid for, it yours. I ask the man thank you very much but why would you do this.


The man eyes got teary and he was choked up for a couple minutes, then he looked at me and said because mines dead. I said your daughter is dead? He shook his head no and said my son, he was 19.


Wow what a shock to hear. my daughter got very quiet and then she asked the man is it okay if I give you a hug. I watched the man's face as my daughter gave him a hug and I could tell from the look on his face in his mind it was not my daughter he was giving a hug.


The man went on to tell us a little more of his story, about how his son also loved to play the guitar and how they would sit together and play. He said every so often something would happen that would remind him of the son and watching vanessa play had done that.


I don't know but maybe when that man of the guitar for Vanessa in a way he was buying it for his son also.


The man's son's name was Luke. My daughter does this funny little thing where she names all of her guitars. She paint the name on the front of the guitar, this 1 will be called Lukes guitar.


I think this was a real good life lesson for my daughter to experience, vanessa and I talked about it a little bit and she was really moved by the man's gesture.


We have the man's wife's business card and vanessa sent her an email today inviting both of them to her guitar and orchestra concert next week.


I hope the man find a little bit of peace, and closure in his life because I could tell it still tears him up pretty bad.

Great story Robert. Good luck to your daughter, and to Luke and his wife.


tsap seui

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mine was 22 when he died. it has been 4 years, but it only takes a small reminder to bring tears to me.

i don't think there is any way to convey the loss of a child, but if he felt 1 more second of his son, it was worth that guitar and much more.

the past can never be changed, and whats lost is gone forever, but the memory never fades, and the longing for 1 more minute is forever.

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