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WARNING: Loose lips sink ships


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Lao Po came downstairs this morning while I'm working away on the computer, trying not to be distracted by the discomfort of sitting. She looks at me and breaks out into wailing. I thought someone called her and told her someone in the family died. It was terrible.


Finally, I got her to explain that she was worried that I'd never be able to walk, or drive, or fly in an airplane again. Each of those is a real possibility and one that I'm preparing for, however, I've not given up the fight. I doubt that I'll ever return to 100%, but I fully expect to get to better than 85-90% which should be good enough to resume a normal life and am hoping for 95% or better. I've shared those thoughts with my brother and my closer men friends, because there's no sense in trying to fool my friends.


However - and this is my fault - I never expected one of those men to share my candid concerns with his Chinese wife. This morning, Lao Po talked on the phone with one man's wife and Lao Po was wailing at my feet minutes later. Clearly, I misjudged the man. Because of the way this information came back to me, he gave his wife the full, man-talk details of what I shared with him. I mistakenly believed that he understood the lines in the sand defining man-talk from women-talk. :angry:


He will never again be trusted with candid information from me. This is very sad because I was starting to believe he was okay and I really hate to have to be on-guard with people I allow into my home. :(


The moral of this tale is that if you have sensitive information, you do not want passed in explicit detail to your wife, be very cautious about sharing it with someone who might pass it along to one of your wife's Chinese girlfriends.


OBTW - I tell my wife the truth about everything, although I wrap some of the information in soft, cushy wrapping paper with a pretty ribbon on it. ;)

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