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DOS clarification

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According the the NVC:


Our file was approved on Dec 10, 2003 and sent to GZ


I go the tracking number and it shows received by GZ Jan 9, 2004. So I sent an email and GZ responded in 1 day with:


" ...we have not received the petition file on your fiancee's behalf..."


I called DOS and they said:


" GZ has received your file on Dec 10th, 2003"


Soooooo, after some debate she put me on hold and came back with:


NVC now sends the approved file both electronically and by DHL. When GZ receives the electronic file they open the "GZ file" but no action is taken (and no packet is sent) untill the actual hard copy is recieved from NVC.


When I asked about timlines I was told weeks, then weeks and then more weeks. In other words... no further information is available at this time. GZ now estimates 120 days after NVC clears before P3 is sent out. Well that is what I was told today by the DOS. AARRGGHH!!



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NVC now sends the approved file both electronically and by DHL.  When GZ receives the electronic file they open the "GZ file" but no action is taken (and no packet is sent) untill the actual hard copy is recieved from NVC.

If true, I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to a provisional file. Now, if they would only start processing in advance of the hard copy.

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NVC now sends the approved file both electronically and by DHL.  When GZ receives the electronic file they open the "GZ file" but no action is taken (and no packet is sent) untill the actual hard copy is recieved from NVC.

If true, I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to a provisional file. Now, if they would only start processing in advance of the hard copy.

That would require them to work faster to catch up with the back log.

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NVC now sends the approved file both electronically and by DHL.  When GZ receives the electronic file they open the "GZ file" but no action is taken (and no packet is sent) untill the actual hard copy is recieved from NVC.

If true, I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to a provisional file. Now, if they would only start processing in advance of the hard copy.

I've been surprised that soft copies are not used more frequently.


Perhaps soon the role of GZ will be reduced to scheduling and conducting interviews.


When I called DOS in the USA a week ago, they had records on my case progress. Presumably this means that they are networked so that the initial data entry can be done anywhere in the world (perhaps in China where labor is cheap).


If there is an eventual move to electronic records, then the primary thing left for GZ would be contucting a final review of the application and doing the interviews.


Of course, the US Government has been trying to move to electronic records for quite some time. There has just been a sentiment that hard copies and "real" signatures are somehow better than the electronic copies.


------ Clifford -----

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Hang in there Louis. You are only a few days behind me and I just found out today that P-3 was sent Jan 12th.

Thanks!! As you all know the continual changes and delays are enough to drive me crazy. It just seems incredible to me that a government can actually feign operation with these never ending issues. I think I have heard it all.


WE did not give you THAT time estimate.


That department is now the XYZ


Your file is not in our system... your file has been in our system for 37 days... your file was approved.... your file was not approved, you must wait like everybody else...


Your file is waiting for additional administrative processing.


No further information is available.


Your file will be processed in 60- 90 days... IT HAS BEEN 300 DAYS, NOW WHAT? .... (silence)


The supervisor will tell you the same thing I just told you.... OK can I speak to the supervisor.... sure (click... if you would like to make a call please hang up your phone).


I know, you know it just makes me boil every now and then :-)

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