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Today's AOS Process

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Well...here it is.


We all got up at 5:00 to get to the BCIS office. I printed out directions on Mapquest.com to make sure I wouldn't get lost. The site said I needed to turn left when I needed to turn right and vice versa. We didn't get in line until 7:00. Fifty people were ahead of us. Not too bad, eh? But noooooo..........


Jing Mei felt sick so she and her son sat in the car (it was cold too). I told them to meet me around 8:00. The line actually started moving on time. I got to the entrance around 7:45. The guard asked if I had a cell phone. I did. He said I needed to leave it in the car. Now, I'm at the END of the line when I get Jing Mei and Ben after putting the phone in the car. After getting through the guard at the entrance the second time, we passed through the medal detector. Oops....still had my Swiss Army knife on the key chain. One more trip to the car. At least JM got in line.


After waiting an hour in line, it was finally our turn. We went to the desk and the officer asked what form of AOS we were filing. I said K-1 and he excused himself. This is where it got interesting.....he returned with a number in hand (you know....the paper slip they call when they want to talk to you). He placed it down next to him and said the LV BCIS office no longer takes AOS paperwork. I'd have to mail it in. I told him that the website says the local office does do AOS applications. He said no...ever since they merged with Homeland Security, things changed. I asked why the website hadn't changed. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. As I left, I saw that he put a tick mark on a page of paper marked "Info." As if I went there just to learn that crap??? I asked the man since I was already there if I could submit my papers. He said no...they wanted to mail me a receipt. By this time, I was so pissed that I left rather than make a scene.


I will always wonder if he was telling the truth or just wanted people out of there. Let's see how long they take to process it all.



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Well, at least no one got deported or arrested.

Wasn't that Dave's Picture on America's Most Wanted......


First almost getting into a bar brawl..... Now, almost taking out an Official US Governement Agent!!!!!!




Seriously, best of luck with the process. It is so much easier when there is a "real person" to talk to, rather than just sending the paperwork back and forth by mail.


Perhaps the US Post Office has decided that they are getting put out of business by e-mail and are trying to increase their mail volume.


Best of Luck,


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By this time, I was so pissed that I left rather than make a scene.


I will always wonder if he was telling the truth or just wanted people out of there.  Let's see how long they take to process it all.



Did you flip him the bird on your way out :lol:

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Wow Dave,


Sorry to hear about your AOS problems. Sounds like the way ours started out. I took all of the forms and waited at the Indy office and then was told they had to be mailed in. The rest of the process went smooth except they lost my daughters packet @ NSC or at POE, and Ella and Kelly's background check was not finished at time of interview. I hope the rest of the process gets better for you and your family.

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