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Hey Y'all!


Just wanted to give a big "Howdy" to everyone now that I'm back from my first trip to China.


I had a great time and spent some precious time with my new wife. I also discovered a whole new family that I love very much, they welcomed me in and treated me like I belonged there. One thing I can say about north China is that the people seem to be as warm and kind as the weather is cold, and it is very cold this time of year.


Everything went off perfectly, right down to the white Christmas. The only problem I had with the whole thing was leaving my lovely wife.


I'll be updating my avatar real soon and hopefully putting pics up on the web for any who are interested.


It's good to be back, but now the long wait begins.

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Thanks guys, it's good to be back and I'm ready to get right back into the mix.


Things I was told about, but couldn't grasp until I'd experienced them...


hard beds - What the hell?!!!!! I've slept on softer floors. And not just some of the beds or most of the beds, but ALL of the beds are hard.


WCs - I'm supposed to what? Gotta pee?, no problem. Gotta sh**? Big problem, I think I'll wait for a toilet. (Held it for 2 and a half days, but I managed to avoid the squatting position.)


Taxi Drivers - A constant source of amusement for me. I only saw one accident the whole time I was there.


Spitting - I can't say that I blame anyone for spitting so much after seeing the amount of air pollution. Blow your nose at the end of the day and see all the black snot, you'll want to spit too.


Family - How can you prepare to be loved and accepted so quickly and completely? My new family is wonderful. Even if I did make the mistake of calling third sister by her given name.

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hard beds - What the hell?!!!!!
Hahahah. I warned you! <Mr. T>I pity the foo</Mr. T> who hopes to jump into a soft bed after a long trans-pacific flight. :P


Blow your nose at the end of the day and see all the black snot

We prefer the term "Afro-American snot". :D Ahh, the wonders of high-sulfer diesel. <Cheech Marin>Emissions controls? We don't need no steenkin emissions controls!</Cheech Marin>


Also, keep in mind that you should always carry your own TP with you, as there is no guarantee you will find any in a public WC, should you muster the intestinal fortitude to lighten your load.


There is nothing (legal) like your first trip to China; The keen sense of "We are SO not in Kansas anymore!"


Congratulations. Welcome to the visa-wait purgatory.

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hard beds - ..... but ALL of the beds are hard.

WCs - I'm supposed to what? ... I think I'll wait for a toilet.  

Taxi Drivers

Spitting - ......  Blow your nose at the end of the day and see all the black snot, you'll want to spit too.


Family - How can you prepare to be loved and accepted so quickly and completely?  My new family is wonderful.  Even if I did make the mistake of calling third sister by her given name.


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hard beds - What the hell?!!!!!
Hahahah. I warned you! <Mr. T>I pity the foo</Mr. T> who hopes to jump into a soft bed after a long trans-pacific flight. :P


Blow your nose at the end of the day and see all the black snot

We prefer the term "Afro-American snot". :P Ahh, the wonders of high-sulfer diesel. <Cheech Marin>Emissions controls? We don't need no steenkin emissions controls!</Cheech Marin>


Also, keep in mind that you should always carry your own TP with you, as there is no guarantee you will find any in a public WC, should you muster the intestinal fortitude to lighten your load.


There is nothing (legal) like your first trip to China; The keen sense of "We are SO not in Kansas anymore!"


Congratulations. Welcome to the visa-wait purgatory.

Thanks Moon, I'll try to remember to be more politically correct next time I discuss snot.


I got lucky, my wife was always quick to whip out the TP or napkin and, even though they thought I was crazy, I always had my moist, anti-bacterial towelettes. Not so effective for wiping your butt in a WC, but perfect before and after a greasy finger-food meal. (My sister-in-law wouldn't take the ones I offered her, later I found out that she thought they had something to do with sex. :D American condom anyone? )


No, Kansas was definitely in another world, but KFC was always just around the corner. There were definitely more KFCs than McDonald's, but both were plentiful, even in QiQiHaer.


I was often amused by the parallels and contradictions. FuMart, not WalMart. The Chinese version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?". MTV on one channel and soap operas set in Imperial China on another. Dancing in a private room to techno music on the kareoke machine with the family. Santas with Asian eyes, Christmas trees and Merry Christmas signs everywhere with no pretext of a religious event. Crumbling brick shacks with no bathrooms or hot water in the middle of a technologically advanced city. It was often a surreal experience.


I'm still trying to re-adjust to my pre-China life. I know it will never happen, I'm no longer the same person.

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Oh I remember my first trip to China (1999) like it was yesterday. HK, GZ, Nanning, Guilin. Unbelievable experience, wouldn't trade it for the world. Really makes you appreciate everything we take for granted here...


Glad you had a wonderful time, wishing you a speedy visa process. However, right now you should start planning a trip back there in a few short months.

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How old is your son? Kids can be pretty cool, or a real pain in the but. Will be a great experience for him though. Will be a great story in September, when you have to write one of those what did you do this summer essays!!


Once again Congratulations, and welcome to this ever maddening group!!!

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How old is your son? Kids can be pretty cool, or a real pain in the but. Will be a great experience for him though. Will be a great story in September, when you have to write one of those, what did you do this summer essays!!


Once again Congratulations, and welcome to this ever maddening club!!!

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