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ItalkBB troubles

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Why am I stupid enough to do this, because my wife wants me to. I have learned that, most of the time, it is best to do what our Chinese wives want.


Which just proves you aren't stupid afterall. Hang in there Yemmie, I have every confidence Mike will get you fixed up.


I bet if we took a vote this would be the most intelligent thing any husband here could do.


I ran across this kind of setup up with one of our customers. Had some very similar issues with Vonage.

So it is not the phone service, just having two routers on one network.


Okay, so they can't give you an SP-1001. You should be able to disable the DHCP services on the SP-2102.

Next set the network port to a static address on your network.

This will basically turn off the router abilities of the SP-2102 turning it into a network switch and place it on your normal network.

This should give the SP-2102 better access to the internet.


I would try this with your old SP-2102 you plan on sending back. This way if it really messes up the configuration, you have an easy way to set it back.

Not necessarily to get it to working, but to make sure it is set the way ITalkbb wants it.

This is important when asking for further help.


I know I probably mentioned some things outside of your normal vocabulary.

If you need someone to help you change these settings a remote session is always possible.

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