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Japan Training Program Is Said to Exploit Workers

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Another example of how the young Chinese workers are exploited. This time by Japanese companies.

Japan Training Program Is Said to Exploit Workers


HIROSHIMA, Japan ¡ª Six young Chinese women arrived in this historic city three summers ago, among the tens of thousands of apprentices brought to Japan each year on the promise of job training, good pay and a chance at a better life back home. Instead, the women say, they were subjected to 16-hour workdays assembling cellphones at below the minimum wage, with little training of any sort, all under the auspices of a government-approved ¡°foreign trainee¡± program that critics call industrial Japan¡¯s dirty secret.


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Another example of how the young Chinese workers are exploited. This time by Japanese companies.

Japan Training Program Is Said to Exploit Workers


It seems that just about every week I'm hearing about a different "dirty little secret" of Japan. Seems the other week was this one: http://www.bachome.org/ and I think I saw it on VisaJourney. I know all countries have their secrets, but the Japanese ones just keep coming out lately... Why is that?

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