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Ya just never know what to expect

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Well hot dawg cuzin Tsap Billy Bawb!!! :toot: Only three more P's to go!! :clapping: :cheering:


BTW, I looked at the internet and saw the 5G thang for Verizon. <_< That ain't worth nuthin! :angry: I have already used 23G's in only half a month. Oh well, guess that's part of the downhill slide this here economy has us in. :unsure: I still say call them and raise hail!! :exclaim:

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Thats great Tsapper! :)

I can picture that poor USCIS worker when your 600 page application lands on their desk. :o




Ya know, I felt sorry for the USCIS worker that got this mess of paperwork that most all of is truly meant to be for the DOS. I sent them a short note apologizing for all the paperwork that has now landed on their desk, explained that the USCIS has approved us twice up to this point, that my wife and I have known each other for almost 4 years now, and that most of this evidence is intended for the Department of State in Guangzhou, China, BEFORE, our interview. :lol:


Hell, I've been researching and living this godawful mess for dang near 4 years....I sent in every shred of evidence I could dream up, including, answers to every blue slip I've read about and in four areas sent in the !-797 showing the USCIS reaffirmed our denied K-1 case (with no letter of rebuttal asked of me). Only thing I didn't send in was a DNA test for Bubba, J.R. :lol:


tsap seui

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Your officially in the system and on your way to approval now. Congrats on P1!!!! Like the man said, "only 3 more P's"...no sweat.

Californy is the place you otta be,

so load up the truck and head for beverly,

hills that is, swimmin pools, movie stars

and USCIS approvals. Good luck on your next P...er, your number 2 P...er, your P2... :D

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Well hot dawg cuzin Tsap Billy Bawb!!! :toot: Only three more P's to go!! :clapping: :cheering:


BTW, I looked at the internet and saw the 5G thang for Verizon. <_< That ain't worth nuthin! :angry: I have already used 23G's in only half a month. Oh well, guess that's part of the downhill slide this here economy has us in. :unsure: I still say call them and raise hail!! :exclaim:



How sweet it is to have a behind my name. :lol:


Buddy, it looks like you really lucked out and got grandfathered in with your unlimited MB's with Verizon mobile broadband usage. I was told they had an unlimited plan years ago but it got abused so they set a limit of 5 gigs on it now.


Oh well, it sounded good at first, I'll just use it on the 15th to show my wife my family at my fathers birthday party and turn the expensive little modem back to Verizon on the 16th. Hell, I'm only paying $20 a month for unlimited computer usage at 5 gig speed from my local phone company :lol: I may be hooked to the wall, but I ain't travelin' like I used to when I flew all around teaching classes and I can piggyback off of someone elses service if I'm not at home and want to check my e-mail.


What with my $69.00 a month unlimited minutes cell phone plan, WHICH COSTS ME $87.41 a month when they get done adding in taxes, surcharges, and fees??????....Verizon can stick this USB760 modem up their butt. With their $59.00 a month plan for the modem I could expect it to TRULY cost me $75 or more a month once all the extra fees, etc. are added in. :lol: Good grief, I only had the dern thing 2 weeks, didn't use it but one time when I went out to Ohio to work for a whole week, and I'm over 2 gigs for basically one weeks worth of MSN with my wife????? :lol:


Not this ol' boy....shucks I've done sold off everything American (2006 Corvette, 2006 Alvalance, 2006 Harley softail springer, 2 houses, got rid of TV service, paid off my credit cards and no longer use them) that I had when the DOS shafted us in 2007 and 2008, as part of my silent lil'protest to the American government.


If the American government gives my wife a visa, then I will contribute to the American economy once again, until then, I will stick to my plan to buy the bare minimum I can possibly get away with, drive worn out shit box cars that cost $600 or less, live in a one room apartment that only costs me $100 a month (heat included), and continue to send my money to China. :D I may have USED to have been a GOOD American consumer....NO FREAKIN' MORE. I have become a penny pincher with a pure vengenance to the American economy. :lol: Now, Walmart even has my picture on their wall, hoping I will one day come back and spend money....no way Jose, not until the State Department releases my wife from their Chinese captivity. :P


tsap seui

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Your officially in the system and on your way to approval now. Congrats on P1!!!! Like the man said, "only 3 more P's"...no sweat.

Californy is the place you otta be,

so load up the truck and head for beverly,

hills that is, swimmin pools, movie stars

and USCIS approvals. Good luck on your next P...er, your number 2 P...er, your P2... :D


Thanks much Jeff. I see, I say son, I see you were havin' a lil' problem using the letter "P' in yore post. :lol: My wife and I laugh about the letter P being used as P-1, P-2 etc., as in Chinese P is the word used for "fart". :lol: So we call it, Fart 1, Fart 2....for the stages of this danged process.....kinda fittin' I would say. :violin4:


Take care,


tsap seui

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How sweet it is to have a behind my name. :lol:


Buddy, it looks like you really lucked out and got grandfathered in with your unlimited MB's with Verizon mobile broadband usage. I was told they had an unlimited plan years ago but it got abused so they set a limit of 5 gigs on it now.


Oh well, it sounded good at first, I'll just use it on the 15th to show my wife my family at my fathers birthday party and turn the expensive little modem back to Verizon on the 16th. Hell, I'm only paying $20 a month for unlimited computer usage at 5 gig speed from my local phone company :lol: I may be hooked to the wall, but I ain't travelin' like I used to when I flew all around teaching classes and I can piggyback off of someone elses service if I'm not at home and want to check my e-mail.


What with my $69.00 a month unlimited minutes cell phone plan, WHICH COSTS ME $87.41 a month when they get done adding in taxes, surcharges, and fees??????....Verizon can stick this USB760 modem up their butt. With their $59.00 a month plan for the modem I could expect it to TRULY cost me $75 or more a month once all the extra fees, etc. are added in. :lol: Good grief, I only had the dern thing 2 weeks, didn't use it but one time when I went out to Ohio to work for a whole week, and I'm over 2 gigs for basically one weeks worth of MSN with my wife????? :lol:


Not this ol' boy....shucks I've done sold off everything American (2006 Corvette, 2006 Alvalance, 2006 Harley softail springer, 2 houses, got rid of TV service, paid off my credit cards and no longer use them) that I had when the DOS shafted us in 2007 and 2008, as part of my silent lil'protest to the American government.


If the American government gives my wife a visa, then I will contribute to the American economy once again, until then, I will stick to my plan to buy the bare minimum I can possibly get away with, drive worn out shit box cars that cost $600 or less, live in a one room apartment that only costs me $100 a month (heat included), and continue to send my money to China. :D I may have USED to have been a GOOD American consumer....NO FREAKIN' MORE. I have become a penny pincher with a pure vengenance to the American economy. :lol: Now, Walmart even has my picture on their wall, hoping I will one day come back and spend money....no way Jose, not until the State Department releases my wife from their Chinese captivity. :P


tsap seui


As a guud hillbilly friend wuud say, "I HERD DAT!" :)

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Thanks much Jeff. I see, I say son, I see you were havin' a lil' problem using the letter "P' in yore post. :lol: My wife and I laugh about the letter P being used as P-1, P-2 etc., as in Chinese P is the word used for "fart". :lol: So we call it, Fart 1, Fart 2....for the stages of this danged process.....kinda fittin' I would say. :violin4:


Take care,


tsap seui



I guessin it's a guud thang they ain't usin the letter B instead of P, huh? :D

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