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For question #28, my in-laws to be want to pay for the ticket for my lady to come to the US. The question is, should we put them on the 156? If we do, is it likely to cause issues during the interview?

Also, does anyone know about, or have any samples of, resumes for the interview? My lady has a MA English and a BA Economics, and she thinks they're going to ask her for a detailed resume because she's "learned too much"

This process is so STRESSFUL! I've got grey hair now, that I didn't have a year ago... And I hate second guessing every idea sad.gif

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My wife's DS-156 said she would be paying for ticket, I paid for it who's to say she would pay me back later. it is all relative. We followed VJ's example. I highly doubt they care who's paying. DS-156 is used for many different non-immigrant types. http://www.visajourney.com/examples/Form-DS-156.pdf


Nope this is NOT a work visa or other type where they want that sort of thing, my wife indicated that she did time in the Chinese Army on the forms, they never demanded a military record because such records are not available.


In all the time I have been studying this I have yet to see a foreign resume requested.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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For question #28, my in-laws to be want to pay for the ticket for my lady to come to the US. The question is, should we put them on the 156? If we do, is it likely to cause issues during the interview?


Also, does anyone know about, or have any samples of, resumes for the interview? My lady has a MA English and a BA Economics, and she thinks they're going to ask her for a detailed resume because she's "learned too much"


This process is so STRESSFUL! I've got grey hair now, that I didn't have a year ago... And I hate second guessing every idea :(


You've got hair left? ;) What's left of mine is white...and...I had a brown 15 inch long ponytail when I sent in our original app back in November 2006. :P Sniff...sniff...oh wait a minute, I lost the ponytail in my sleep when a crazy lil' Chinese woman with a pair of sissors clipped it, now it sits all curly in a baggie like some keepsake from a baby's first haircut. B)


To answer one of your questions....one solution would be to pay for the ticket out of your own funds, and pocket the in-laws money. This way YOU honestly paid for the ticket, and your in-laws gave you a nice gift...baada bing, baada bang, baada boom...you were honest, and no visa thug will look at your DS-156 with a, possible, raised eyebrow. :D Just think, you'll be like the American government, flippin' money around in circles. :)


Hang in there buddy, you guys will be fine. Yes, it is a very stressful process, and yes, you do have to second guess many of the questions

but you guys will be fine at the interview. Soon you will awake beside your dream. :)


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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