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Illegal Immigrant Protests

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Those of you who aren't Californians probably have not kept up with this saga about a state law to issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Anyway Schwarzenegger got the law repealed as he said he would, and now the illegal immigrant community is upset. I ran across this article in the San Francisco Chronicle today and thought this was kind of funny...




It looks like the illegals have organized protests to demand that they be issued driver's licenses. I remember the days when people used to make jokes about illegal aliens *hiding* from the government. Now they are having street protests and boycotts... :lol:


Makes me feel a little silly going through the system and filling out form after form to get my fiancee here. Should have had her take swimming lessons instead... :wacko:



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Lopez said he was an undocumented immigrant for 12 years and drove without a license


I wonder how big of an issue it really is.


How many people actually go the the government to register that they are breaking the law by being in the USA????


The Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Greater Los Angeles urged Hispanics to drive with their headlights on Friday to show their support for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who repealed the driver's license bill.


Drive with the headlights on to show support...... What about the people who don't support the issue and have on all the time lights????

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Drive with the headlights on to show support......  What about the people who don't support the issue and have on all the time lights????

I don't know about Southern California, but up here in the north, it's been a fairly cloudy day. Lots of people are driving with headlights on... :lol:



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I wonder how many illegal aliens are going to go the the DMV and register that they are an "illegal alien", and leave a "real" address where they can be found, and even have a picture taken (fingerprints???)

I guess it's about the same number who are willing to hold up signs and chant protest slogans in front of TV cameras and reporters. :lol:


All I can say is that these guys are gutsier than I am. If I was living in a country illegally, the last thing I would be doing would be protesting in the streets about not getting driver's licenses... Lucky for them they're not from that special part of the world that the CIA and FBI are watching very carefully right now...


But hey, they're definitely learning the American way of doing things. Whine! Soon they'll be sending contributions to the politicians to get the laws changed... :wacko:



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Those of you who aren't Californians probably have not kept up with this saga about a state law to issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.  Anyway Schwarzenegger got the law repealed as he said he would, and now the illegal immigrant community is upset.  I ran across this article in the San Francisco Chronicle today and thought this was kind of funny...




It looks like the illegals have organized protests to demand that they be issued driver's licenses. I remember the days when people used to make jokes about illegal aliens *hiding* from the government.  Now they are having street protests and boycotts...  :lol:


Makes me feel a little silly going through the system and filling out form after form to get my fiancee here.  Should have had her take swimming lessons instead...  :P



Jerry since you are only at the P3 stage there is still time for that slow boat from China. :)

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Be careful.....there are liberals lurking out there on this board.




You rang? :P

I resemble that remark! My politics may be somewhat left of center but neither do I support illegal immigration. I do support making it easier for those who want to come to this country as migrant workers to get documentation and temporary residency. I don't see a whole lot of american citizens jumping up and down yelling pick me! Pick me! to do farm labor. Like the rest of you I resent illegal immigration making it harder for me to bring my loved one here while they are giving a slap on the hand. pick me! :) pick me! :lol:

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Guest alex062872

NO illegal should be allowed. They shouldn't be here at all.


Me, an immigrant from P. R. China 7 years ago. I am an immigrant myself. I make $45,000 a year currently.


my calculations:


one illegal come in (assumed female here)...sneak in, bus in, walk in…whatever, she came to USA….illegally.


she can't work legally...she can work for cash and she will....no income tax paid to our government at all....


she can't spend much, (she doesn't have extra to spend).....no sales tax collected (basic food, milk doesn’t pay tax in California).


she walks on the street....we paid for the pavement.


she takes buses.....we paid our city (property tax) to keep buses going.


she drives without insurance (she can't buy insurance).....we have to pay "uninsured motorist" and the Freeway system to make the road FREE for her to drive.


she has a cold.....we paid the emergency room (local tax). My friend went to ER and she paid $2500.00 for that fever. She is legal, not insured. I was there when the bills came. $2500.00, no kidding.


then she get knocked up.....we pay the physical exam and medical espenses (California government pays, we pay state income tax to cover that).


she delivers a beautiful baby.....pretty baby, one thing, citizenship, another nightmare.....we pay her medical bills, at least $3000, and her baby's medical.


Why? because she is illegal and she is poor. but, but, but...the baby is innocent........AND, the baby is an US citizen.


Now, you think the nightmare is over. Wrong, it just gets started…..yeap, the baby….the illegal’s baby, who is a legal citizen. (assume the baby is a boy)


The boy need to eat……food stamp…..and cash allowance.


Food stamp: $300-$400. yeap, you right, we pay for that. What, “that is not my baby, why I have to pay?”………….shut up, just pay. From you income tax, state tax, property tax, sales tax……..remember the baby is innocent….and he is a citizen.


Cash allowance: $400-$600. yeap, you right, we pay for that. Cash allowance for what? We don’t know. The boy may need extra good, some burgers. Orange juices, whatever. His mom, the illegal, need something to eat too.


The boy’s medical. We pay for that too. (his mom, the illegal, pay $0-$6 per month)…..we pay all of his medical…..until………….he is 18 years old.(California’s HEALTHYFAMILY program makes that a law)


OK, he is a good kid and time for him to go to school……school, god. We pay that. From our property tax and property fees…….text books, teachers, classrooms….we pay.


After 12 years of school……the boy is smart, he is going to college…..in California, he is legal (a citizen), graduated from a California High School, he doesn’t need to pay “out of state tuition”……we pay for him…..how much? Well, currently in Spring 2004, roughly $200 per quarter unit, 4 years college, need over 150 units….what, right, that is right….about $30,000.00….we pay for that.


His mom, the illegal, may have more than one kid, normally speaking….about 3-5 kids, that is common. Multiple it 3-5 times…..you can pray the dear God.


From my calculation, over 18 years, we have pay over $250,000 for her and her boy. Conservatively calculated and we only assume she only has ONE child, that’s rarely happens, they usually have more than one kids, 3-5 normally in California.


And NOW, after we, tax payers, paid all that. They, the illegals want a strike in California (December 12th 2003 ) and claim that the society decimate against them.


I am sorry, dear Lord. I am lost. They took my hard earned money and tell me that I should apologize to them…….

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Response to Alex:

As an immigrant, didn't we all break the law at some point in time? Didn't we swear up and down that we had no intention of staying in the U.S. when we apply for the student visa? Didn't most of us work illegally during school? The fact that Bush Sr. granted work permit to Chinese nationals at one time does not negate the fact that most who missed it do. If wellfare is the concern, a driver's license does not give them right to get it. Wellfare has been and continues to be the most crucial factor that some sections of the population never gets out of poverty. Why not get rid of it. Period.

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