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DHL Packages from NVC to GZ

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My financee works in customs for another city and called the GZ customs to find out what takes so long for GZ to pick up the DHL Packages. What she found out is that the package that is delivered immediately is the diplomatic courier package and the other packages that sit in customs are our applications. There are about 2000 applications per package.


The DHL packages need a release letter from Beijing Customs in order for GZ Customs to release these packages to GZ Consulate. The amount of time to get this letter varies as well as the amount of time for GZ Consulate to pick up packages. Thus causing the varying time delays.

She did find out the GZ Consulate picks up packages twice per month, the 1st & 15th we believe.


The only explaination for not getting all the packages is either

1) do not have the Beijing release letter and/or

2) lack of space on the truck used to pick up the packages.


Just trying to understand the NVC -> DHL -> GZ process. Hope this gives some insite.

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Interesting description of the path from NVC to GZ.


I am a bit surprised that DHL isn't paid to deliver the applications all the way to the consulate, but perhaps for security reasons they want to use a US owned truck.


So, if GZ is concerned with too many applications arriving at a time, shouldn't they pick up the applications more regularly, perhaps weekly? And, if the truck is full.... perhaps 2 trips?


It is like going to the store and buying a cup of coffee with a $100.....

Then, only picking up half the change because the wallet was too full :)


---- CK -----

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I'm about to start month 11 of this visa odyssey. All the fascination with "what is" died months ago.  Now only the "should be" holds interest...  :blink:



With your timeline it is easy to see how you feel that way. It seems that your package gets stuck and just languishes for months at a time. This process should be better than that.

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I am a bit surprised that DHL isn't paid to deliver the applications all the way to the consulate, but perhaps for security reasons they want to use a US owned truck.

This is the same I've been told. It seems the non diplomatic packages are screened for security reasons. Kinda makes sense, I guess.

Yes, it makes sense to screen certain packages more than others...... Except that they all were originated in a US Government Office.... :D


Of course, that they have been outside of US Control for a month.


I think part of the problem would be the actual delivery truck. One might not want a loaded UPS (or DHL) truck to just be able to drive right up to the service dock of the consulate.... too big of a security risk as nobody knows what is inside until they unload it.

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It seems to me to be another example of how much redundancy there is in the system. If it was secure when it left NVC and it was guarded throughout the whole trip they could just load it in a US Govt truck and take it to the consulate.

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