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Visa was finally approved. I couldn't get what questions were asked of my dear wife because her cell phone to my cell phone was not clear (can you hear me now?) When she comes back to Shenzhen and I get the story of what happened, I will post it for you guys.


She has to sell her condo, spend Chinese New Years with relatives then she'll be here. Hell, after two and one-half years of this waiting, another two months will be "a piece of cake".


Needless to say, I am the happiest guy in San Jose, CA tonight!


See ya!



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Visa was finally approved.  I couldn't get what questions were asked of my dear wife because her cell phone to my cell phone was not clear (can you hear me now?)  When she comes back to Shenzhen and I get the story of what happened, I will post it for you guys.


She has to sell her condo, spend Chinese New Years with relatives then she'll be here.  Hell, after two and one-half years of this waiting, another two months will be "a piece of cake".


Needless to say, I am the happiest guy in San Jose, CA tonight!


See ya!




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Congratulations, I can really relate. Last year 12/10/02, my fiance, now wife's visa was issued. She to had an apartment to sell and I went over to Shanghai, to spend the Chinese New Year with her and her family. Had a great time, we came to the US together on 2/4/03. 12/15/03 will be our 9 month anniversary of getting married. Unbeliveable how quickly time actually does go....


She will be here before you know it...






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