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New immigrants avoiding big cities, study finds


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Cheaper to relocate in smaller cities. However, Boston's Asian immigrants are still getting bigger.






"New immigrants who once flocked to the large "gateway" cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, and Chicago are now heading for smaller metropolitan areas like Detroit and Minneapolis, Colorado Springs, Colo., Sarasota, Fla., and El Paso, Tex., according to the the study, released by the Lusk Center for Real Estate at the University of Southen California."

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It makes a lot of sense for new immigrants to avoid the big cities. The big cities have had lots of immigrants over long periods of time, so the opportunities are fewer there so the mid sized cities seem to be a good choice. After all if you wanted to open a new Chinese restaurant would you want to compete against one or two others, or compete against 10 or 20?

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Ah, Tony, I have read that link, but I saw the subject. :lol:


I think immigrants are hard to find jobs if they are not in big cities. In small cities, there is little diversity and job opportunities are much fewer. Plus these new immigrants might have language barrier. So I don't think it is good for them to come to small cities at the beginning. Also some small cities or towns have people that have not viewed the world much so they tend to be narrow-minded and not welcome immigrants, although not all small towns have this problem.

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