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China will be the electric car leader

Guest Tony n Terrific

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China is what America was in the early 1900s. Booming industrial economy. With this boom inovation and invention come. They are predicting 500,000 of these electric cars will be sold in China in 2011 twice the amount that will be sold in the US.




I hope this does take place, it looks like the leadership will have to come somewhere other than the USA, that's for sure. You've reminded me of the early development of electric cars in the West and how close we came to moving in that direction instead of gasoline...



"The years 1899 and 1900 were the high point of electric cars in America, as they outsold all other types of cars."


"The decline of the electric vehicle was brought about by several major developments:


* By the 1920s, America had a better system of roads that now connected cities, bringing with it the need for longer-range vehicles.

* The discovery of Texas crude oil reduced the price of gasoline so that it was affordable to the average consumer.

* The invention of the electric starter by Charles Kettering in 1912 eliminated the need for the hand crank.

* The initiation of mass production of internal combustion engine vehicles by Henry Ford made these vehicles widely available and affordable in the $500 to $1,000 price range. By contrast, the price of the less efficiently produced electric vehicles continued to rise. In 1912, an electric roadster sold for $1,750, while a gasoline car sold for $650."


Perhaps the Chinese will lead toward another chance at this...

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I sure hope this isn't the case. I sure hope we focus on research and healthy competition with China. I sincerely hope that we don't all plan on just rolling over and giving up.



Good point; maybe the size of the Chinese market will spur our own R&D and that competition will help the people in both countries.

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