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New Security Measures At US Airports

Guest Tony n Terrific

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Guest Tony n Terrific

The times we live in now has caused paranoria on all fronts. 9-11 did more damage then we really understand to our freedoms in the pursuit of happiness.

The Transportation Security Administration will begin randomly swabbing U.S. travelers' hands and baggage for explosives beyond security checkpoints at airports starting Thursday.

The expanded use of explosives-trace-detection machines was tried at five airports for 17 days after the failed al-Qaeda attack on Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit.



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The times we live in now has caused paranoria on all fronts. 9-11 did more damage then we really understand to our freedoms in the pursuit of happiness.

The Transportation Security Administration will begin randomly swabbing U.S. travelers' hands and baggage for explosives beyond security checkpoints at airports starting Thursday.

The expanded use of explosives-trace-detection machines was tried at five airports for 17 days after the failed al-Qaeda attack on Northwest Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit.






i hear we all have to strip naked and get scanned then walk through a sheep dip bath is the next plan.

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With all this crap that we must now go through and the Airlines charging us for everything they can think of.......how long until almost nobody flies anymore?????? Seems to me if they keep this up there will only be buisness traveerlers and international travel..........I would almost rather drive.

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With all this crap that we must now go through and the Airlines charging us for everything they can think of.......how long until almost nobody flies anymore?????? Seems to me if they keep this up there will only be buisness traveerlers and international travel..........I would almost rather drive.

Amen! I remember when I first came to China, I could pack almost twice as much as they are allowing now. Unfortunately, we can't drive to China/America. :lol:

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With all this crap that we must now go through and the Airlines charging us for everything they can think of.......how long until almost nobody flies anymore?????? Seems to me if they keep this up there will only be buisness traveerlers and international travel..........I would almost rather drive.

Amen! I remember when I first came to China, I could pack almost twice as much as they are allowing now. Unfortunately, we can't drive to China/America. :D

yea..that is a problem driving to China. I dout I will fly domestically though. I have driven from Atlanta to LA to visit. Drove from Portland OR. to Atlanta when I lived in OR. Driven all up and down the east coast so I do not mind driving....just wish i could go a little faster :lol: :P

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If you flew into or around China before and during summer of 2008 you most likely went though these detectors just to get into the airport. They would let about 10-12 people with their luggage into a roped off area and then pass the detection cloth quickly over you and your luggage. Next they inserted it into the detector and then let everybody go.


Then they let the next group in and did it all over again. I think sometimes with the same piece of detector cloth.


It did not take to much of your time but I questioned the usefullness of it.

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I was changing planes at MIA back in 2004 and their metal detector kept going off on me. There was no metal on me so they sent me to a table and the TSA did the powder swab thing on my day pack...I asked them ...but they didn't want to tell me....still don't know why.

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I was changing planes at MIA back in 2004 and their metal detector kept going off on me. There was no metal on me so they sent me to a table and the TSA did the powder swab thing on my day pack...I asked them ...but they didn't want to tell me....still don't know why.



take out the piercings :lol:

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