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QUICK I-129F & 325 K1 ?'S

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Scrambling to put things together to get the i-129 package of, but dont want to rush it too much and forget something. Got some quick questions for you guys!


Thanks for all the replys, sorry I havent had a chance to reply. Hopefully i'll be in a little less stress once this is sent of.


Here are my questions...On the 325 form if I dont have a middle initial do i need to put something there like "n/a"? In the "all other names used" do i put "none"? And is that the same for file Number? None also?

For the native alphabet questions is "n/a" correct? And on the bottom for middle name, same as the top. What should i put there if i dont have a middle name?


On Wen's 325 she had it done with a typewriter, and places where the correct answer should be "none" she put "n/a". Is it going to be ok if i scribble out the n/a and put "none"? Or if anyone can suggest something else than scribble?!


If fill out the form 325 on the .pdf format, is it gonna spit out 4 copys? Since those wont be colored like the original i got at the ins office. Can I send it in with the i-129 package?


A couple of quick ?'s on the i-129...if i use the .pdf, can i have some things like the chinese address handwritten on my continuation sheets? Now on the 129 form the correct answer to place in those certain questions is n/a??


And finally to save me some time, is the "original statement" the only document that requires to be hand written??? I plan to include my cover letter, question 19 supplement in typed format.


Thinks that is all for now, enough to help me put this together finally and get it of on its way to Nebraska.


- ahhming888

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On Bings 325-A I left the middle initial blank on mine I put my middle initiial obviously. File number I put N/A and other names used I put none. The native alphabet I left blank. As far as what your fiance put on there if it is incorrect don't send it. I don't have a clue what would happen if you scribble it out and put none where she put N/A. I think it would be better to have her do it over on PDF format and mail it to you again rather than risk an RFE. As far as PDF forms vs INS originals it makes no difference. PDF format is fine even if they aren't different colors. I believe the fillable forms do spit out 4 copies. The only thing I sent in that was hand written was our letters of intent.

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If you are a Native American Indian (no written language), then perhaps you should put N/A for the question "If your native alphabet is other than roman letters, write your name in your native alphabet here"....... :)


I just left that one blank for my name and copied Irina's name in cyrillic into a GIF file and pasted that in on her application.


I don't know about the middle name. I would put whatever is on your passport. If your Passport leaves it blank, then you should leave it blank in your application. I think some cultures (latin america) use a maternial name instead of a middle name, but I never really figured that one out.


Just leave N/A on all lines of your fiancee's application




If your fiancee put in N/A on that line, you MUST fix it. Just put a (none) next to the N/A, either by hand, or typed.



As far as "Legal" forms, NEVER scribble out anything.

If you want to get rid of something, either put a single (or double) line through it, and write next to it, or use White-Out and make a 2nd generation photocopy (which then looses the original signature)


I think most people just print out all 4 PDF pages of the G-325a. Some people just sent in a single copy and seem to be ok (even though their application is creeping along at the snails pace that every else's application is). However, if you look at the footer on the bottom of the pages, each page is actually different.


A handwritten address in chinese would be fine. However, I would try to have it done by a Native Chinese Writer..... At least, I couldn't imagine any characters that I would write. If you can get a typed version, you might be able to cut and paste it on, then photocopy the page before signing.



I typed my "original Statements"..... I don't remember anything about not typing it..... If they want to be able to actually read it, they should accept it typed!!!!!!!! :D :D


I had my fiancee write and sign a statement (which she e-mailed to me so that I could proof read it). I did a seperate one.


Each of us signed our personal statement.


Some users on the Candle used a combined statement.


Question 19 suppliment?????

I just wrote a 1-liner (with an affirmative response).

If the response is negative (you haven't met your fiancee)..... I would be very careful of that one. Hmmm, looking at your picture on the Candle, I would guess that you did actually meet her.


Both of us mentioned our "meeting" in our "personal statements" as it was part of our history and our feelings of love.


Oh, I was looking back at our application.

My Fiancee didn't have a street name or number at her parent's house. I put (none) on that line.

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I have read on the family advocacy group that lately NSC is picky about none vs N/A and has been sending out RFEs for it. Since I didn't get an RFE I have to assume I did it right. general concensus is if you're not sure put none.

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Hey thanks Warpedbord and Keelec for the responses...on the n/a vs. none on Wen's Form 325. I got two opinions on that one, soooo should I hold of and get a new form with it fill out correctly? Or can i cross out the n/a and add "(none)" and it will be ok.


And yes the interpreter Wen took it to did indeed put n/a in the "former husband or wives".


If i do have to re-send out forms, can i fill out her's with the pdf with all the information and then just send the form 325 to her for the signature? So I can eliminate more mistakes.


RFE doesnt sound good, what does it stand for just out of couriosity?!


If anyone knows for a "FACT" about me editing the 325 and it will be OK ID PLEASE let me know....it will save a lot of time.


:) so many problems, can't even get a start :D

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RFE Referred for Evidence (I think). I will look it up later today.


Essentially it is a form asking for clarification. I just had to write NONE on the line for previous wives, and send it back in.... pretty simple, but it caused a month delay and LOTS of FRUSTRATION and AGGRIVATION.


I used N/A throughout the form, except on a few lines where I wrote (above). The only line that required clarification was the one with previous husbands/wives.


If you want to fill out the PDF forms, then e-mail them.


The full Version of Adobe Acrobat will allow you to save the forms....The free version will not.


You can download a free Acrobat Printing Utility from



You can fill out the form in Acrobat, then print it using pdf995.


That will allow you to print from Acrobat Viewer to an Acrobat file (and thus save your changes). However, you will loose the ability to do further edits.


Best of luck for a speedy process

---- Clifford -----

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I've seen quite a few postings on BCIS related forums where folks are getting RFE's for not including birth certificates. Seems to happen more often with CSC and when the beneficiaries are from Asia. Seems kind of strange since birth certificate's not in the instructions, but... Anyway if you have an extra copy, wouldn't hurt to toss it in the pile of supporting evidence...



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RFE: Request for Evidence...... Yep, I have mine here :(


All I had to do was write "NONE" on the line and send it back.


The reason for using "Not Applicable" in job applications is for the times when the question asks for information that does not apply.


For example, there is a check box: Is your fiancee related to you Yes/No.

Assuming that one checks NO,

This is followed by a line to list the relationship type..... Thus, it is a question that clearly doesn't apply (as stated by filling in the blank with N/A). Thus, one can put in N/A rather than none.


The confusion comes in whether the answer is truely that the information does not exist, versus the applicant's interpretation that is is not important for the application.


Thus, conceivably, one could have been married and divorced, then answer the question that having been previously married does not apply to the current application. And, in most cases, it probably doesn't apply.


Since the use of N/A is universally Accepted in the USA on job applications and etc, issuing a "Request for Evidence" (RFE) for putting N/A on an application seems to me to be going over the top. I wonder how many cases actually generate different action because of applicants using a "loose" interpretation of N/A....


I still think you could simply put a (none) next to any N/A that concerns you, but it may not hurt to have your fiancee fill in a new copy of the application and be sure.


----- Clifford ------

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For some odd reason, I think the INS is just looking for any reason to issue a RFE, even though I am sure it adds more work onto completing the application, and I can't figure out any benefit of being so picky.....


Sometimes I think about one of the times I was stopped in Springfield, Oregon......


:( :P :P :P




:P :P :P :P


I couldn't even purchase a replacement unit for the light.... I had to actually cut a hole in sealed plastic unit to access the bulb to replace it.


---- CK -----

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