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An Anniversary

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It was one year ago today that Candle had the most people on line at one time. December 3, 2002. It was the day that most of us Black Holers were waiting word to be released about a break in the log jam we were all in. Turns out, it wasn't much of a break as I recall. For those who were around in those dark days, do you remember the famous 5000 cases that were supposed to have gone to GZ? It was around this time last year. From my experience, this was perhaps the darkest time of the Black Hole. The holidays were upon us but still no light at the end of the tunnel. Things didn't start to break loose until around February and March.


Want to especially thank all of you who were around this time last year. You made a big difference in terms of information and support. What a difference a year makes, huh? A year ago Li and I were bogged down in the mire of uncertainty and confusion without a glimmer of hope in December. Now, one year later, we are in America and expecting a baby in May.


Moral for those still waiting: Hang in there. It does get better, albeit slowly.

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Mick, I may have a trace of memory of that actual day, December 3rd last year. For sure your mention of how we felt about the holidays approaching while still waiting for the visas hit home with me with a memory of staring into a bleak sky and looking at the calendar and then looking at the lonely winter again.

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Boy do I remember that day. I joined CFL on December 2, 2002. My fiance had her interview 11/20/03, she got the now infamous white slip and everyone on any web site of this type was talking about the supposed 5000 visa's being released in GZ. Also 12/6/03, was the day the Boston Globe ran an article with the stories and photo's of three of our CFL members.


Thought my picture was pretty good. Although I was lucky enough to have my fiance come here in Febraury 03, I have tried to share as much of what I learned over the past year and a half with everyone on CFL.


However, procedures have changed so much in the past several months it is tough to keep up with them, if your not directly involved. I have met many great new friends that I actually get together with fairly often through CFL. Our visa was issued 12/10/02, just after CFL came on line but boy could I have used it a lot sooner.


All the current members here are very lucky to be able to share what your going through with many other people in a similar situation. I had to go through it alone and now that I have done that (not by choice) I would not wish that on anyone.

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Find some of the hot posts from Early December and post the links for PJ to archive.


I might browse a bit in the next few days, but it is not always best to have the "newbies" looking for info when we have absolutely no idea what the hot topics were a year ago.


----- CK -----

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I can sure relate to that time and especially what Bob wrote. I too joined CFL on Dec 2nd and spent most of the 3rd getting familiar with what was happening at that time.


My wife had her interview Nov 22nd and got the white slip and returned home to wait. Fortunately she received notice to pick up her visa on Dec 21st. The visa issue date was Dec 10th and she arrived in the US Feb 15th.


I have barely missed a day of gaining more insite to this whole process. Sure would like to thank everybody for their help.

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I can sure relate to that time and especially what Bob wrote.  I too joined CFL on Dec 2nd and spent most of the 3rd getting familiar with what was happening at that time.


My wife had her interview Nov 22nd and got the white slip and returned home to wait.  Fortunately she received notice to pick up her visa on Dec 21st.  The visa issue date was Dec 10th and she arrived in the US Feb 15th.


I have barely missed a day of gaining more insite to this whole process.  Sure would like to thank everybody for their help.

Glad to hear that newman. And I recall as well when Bob and his lady got their visa. It was a time of happiness and anger all mixed in to one. Like others, we rejoiced when there was word of a white slipper getting their visa. But there was also a tinge of frustration. Both of you had your interview in November, got the white slip, and got the visa in December. Many of us, the August Black Holers, got the white slip but still no visa in sight. Ours finally came through on March 10. As was so often mentioned back in those horrid days, first in first out was a myth. As Eric often said back in those days, "It's strictly lotto man".

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That day and those next months which followed are still firmly etched in my mind. . . makes me appreciate what I have now. :P

As I recall AZ, you were one of the last to crawl out of the Black Hole. It was a real cause for celebration when you finally made it. Glad you guys are enjoying the fruit of such a long and arduous process. :P

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One of the last, indeed. More than a month after she was finally here, I was still getting replies from some of the letters I had faxed. . . even one from President Bush's office.


A year ago, much of my day was spent checking the G7 website posts and CFL for any info I could find on the INS FUBAR visa cases. December was the month that I began to make myself a nuisance to the INS, and a regular poster, rouser here at CFL.


Now that she is here, I have gone from checking the CFL posts several times a day, to checking every 2 or 3 days to see if I can help out with anything. Most questions are usually answered by the time I get around to reading the posts nowadays. The time that I used to spend on Candle is now spent with my wife (who is at work tonight - so I have time to post). Sometimes I look at her beside me, and my first thought is that I must be dreaming. So I then kiss her, and I can feel that it is real - I'm no longer dreaming. The wait WILL END guys, and the life you will have together will be worth it. :V:

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Cound not have said it any better AZwolfman. I have a certain amount of empathy for people now going through the process and still waiting, but no sympathy, as we all have to go through it.


However, things do seem to be moving along a bit better today then last year at this time. I would like to think all the e-mailing, faxing, and phone calls we made last year had something to do with it...


For all you black holer's, I absolutely felt extremely guily when my wife picked up her visa, and you were all still lost in never, never, land.


But the thought of telling the Embassy, we will wait for our visa,, until all the black holer's have theirs never entered my mind!!!!


:V: :blink: :D :D :redblob: :redblob: :redblob:

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I remember that day very well. I joined CFL on 11/27/02 while in Shanghai. Ella had her interview 11/19 at GZ and was given her white slip, and all of the rumors of the 5,000 visas to be released, we thought maybe we would have our loved ones home for the holidays, but for most of us we spent them alone.


Just like AZwolfman said my wife and I also say is this a dream. I tell her our dream has come true. It it is so great to have wife, stepdaughter, and our new daughter here for the greatest Christmas ever.


To those still waiting hang in there your wait will be over before you know it.

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