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Sorry, I missed that question when it slipped in.

:lol: :) :)

Is this a K3 (spouse) or a K4 (children) visa that is being discussed.


I believe that all of the visas, K1-K4 are valid for entry into the USA for 6 months after they are issued. Thus, you will have some flexability after the visa is issued, and before your wife arrives in the USA.


The BCIS Service Center makes a HUGE difference. For some reason, both Nebraska and Texas are SSSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWWWW.


California is close to being caught up, and Vermont does quite well.


Anyway, with the help of GOD Himself, 6 months would be about the absolute minimum for the whole process which would give you up to a total of a year from the application date for her to arrive.


For those of us without divine intervention, the process can easily take well over a year (I have now passed 11 months and am still hoping for it to finish by 14 months, but I have no guarantees that it won't take 24 months or more).


Now, how much help should one ask from a Congressman. I believe that one should wait until encountering a step that appears to take more than a "reasonable" amount of time before asking for help.


However, should your case be routed through the Texas or Nebraska BCIS offices, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to start inquiring the day after the BCIS Receipt (NOA1) as the offices normally do not do any processing on the case other than cashing the check for an additional 4 months or so.


I have heard rumors that some of the Posts / Consulates react poorly to what they may consider to be inappropriate congerssional pressure so use any help you get wisely.


Also, you should know who has control of your application at all times. There is not a lot of sense complaining to GZ about your application if BCIS, NVC, or DHL still has it.


Of course, on that last note, some consulates apparently do pre-approval processing of the visas so that they can be prepared when the packet actually arrives from the USA. Moscow and GZ apparently do not do that and will refuse to do anything until they have actually recieved and begun processing the application.


----- Clifford -----

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Thank you gentlemen. I had given up on an answer about five threads ago. I think I'll ask for the aid a couple of weeks from now. I'm going through Texas. Might as well use the trump card early and not need it in GZ. It's for a K-3


The wife is a doll. I just wish she wouldn't cry on the phone so much. It gets very hard to understand her when she does that.

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