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I called NVC today and got the usual canned response but not the nice lady I talked to last time. I think this one rides a broom to work. "your case is in administrative processing" I asked "just what is administrative processing?" and she replied "due to the aftermath of 911...."

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Ya, I heard that response many times... hope you don't have to suffer through to many of those responses and your case whisks through.






Thanks for the fax #. Luckily today my congressmans liason called me in response to my request for an official congressial inquiry. She was very nice. She said that she called the NVC on my behalf and after they gave her the canned response she told them that the process usually takes about 3 weeks. According to her she did place an official inquiry today. She told me that she will follow up every few days and I should call her in about 1 week.


Of course that will not stop my fax from going out later today :-) Thanks again for the fax number. As we now pass 3 months at the NVC I am getting more angry. Hopefully the congressional inquiry will catapult some action.

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Does any body know what kind of results/help can be expected from a member of congress? Although I have not submitted the K-4 petition yet, I was offered the assistance of a congressman's aid through a coworker who is friends with one. Is it a good idea to involve a congressman? Could it have adverse results? At what point should I ask for the assistance?


Not that speed is an issue. The bride just informed me that it will take her 9 months to complete the retirement procedure, and she is adament about getting that whopping 100 dollars a month. She is very serious about being a contributor, and not a burden. Awwwww, she's so sweet.

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Hey Eric,


Can you write up a top 10 list of the definitions for "Administrative Processing"......????



Yes, I know the pain from the Administrative Processing Limbo..... Especially when you get the point where almost everyone you know has already passed you up. I still recommend waiting about 1 1/2 months before getting too worried about your application at the NVC. But, after that point, it is time to try to figure out what is happening. And, now that you (natrigon) have passed 3 months, it is time to get your congressman and whoever else involved.


I am already at the 90 days Post NVC with still no P3/P4 or interview date from Moscow. (My application left NVC on almost the same date that nitrigon's application arrived). We will see who's application manages to make it to the next step first!!!!!!! :P


I have now passed 11 months in my application process. :( :( :) :( :(

I am now anticipating a minimum of 3 more months (or so) to put me at 14 months. I will be thankful when it is over.


And, according to my calculations based on NVC numbers, I am already well past the "average" time for P3/P4 applications and quickly passing the average (mode) time between packet arrival in Moscow and INTERVIEW.



Why can't the INS use a system where they set a "reasonable" max time for doing each step (maybe 30 days) for each step. Any application that goes over the max would be flagged for immediate priority review without involving congressmen.....


Maybe it is a conspiracy..... You would never talk to your congressman without the INS..... Now, if your application gets stuck for a mere 4 months at the NVC, you will think of your congressman as a HERO and will forever be grateful to your congressman that it wasn't more. :P


If we have caseworkers that are getting bored in Vermont waiting for applications to trickle in.... Maybe truck some of the semi-loads of cases from Texas and Nebraska up to Vermont for processing.


Perhaps some could be shipped to California for processing too, but they have a reputation of just shredding any extra applications they have just to make their statistics look good :o



----- Clifford ------

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I am already at the 90 days Post NVC with still no P3/P4 or interview date from Moscow.  (My application left NVC on almost the same date that nitrigon's application arrived).  We will see who's application manages to make it to the next step first!!!!!!!  :P



Hmmm, are you offering an incompetence based wager? Let's see, if we use the rapid count estimating formula currently approved in section 2323498.230498c (not revision a or :P... Take the number of visa's requested per year, divided by the number of past terrorist actions from women (in China and Russia respectively), times the number of people in that country, divided by the number of shredded and misplaced files, added to the average phone hold time (in minutes) during the complete process, multiplied by the average phone card cost (to cellular phones not land based) and then subtract the number of illegal muslim aliens currently residing in America and receiving government grants or aid, and lastly divided by the dollars spent on reseaching and implementing immigration timelines that are not followed by +/- 120% (for further outdated guidlines please follow any link that points to any page that does not exist).


Well Clifford, after running your data and then my data through the above formula it seems you have a slight edge. I would need to get some kind of odds. Let me know... lol


I have also taken the liberty of generating a top ten list.



Top 10 list of the definitions for "Administrative Processing"


10) It means that the big adults are looking at your papers, and you, the little people will wait in line.


9) The word "processing" was not spoken literally.


8) ..... (silence) .....


7) Due to the RECENT events of 9/11 the definition is being processed.


6) I'm sorry are you thinking you pay the bills around here.


5) Please hold.... (click). "Please hang up your phone. If you think you dialed incorrectly...."


4) The supervisor will tell you the same thing I just told you, nothing.


3) Whatever the definition is you still just have to wait like everybody else.


2) ... so it means Washington is doing whatever they do.


#1 Umh, I am not sure... can you call back in a month or two.

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Well, to be fair, there are Russian Terrorists.... Or more accurately, there are terrorists from the Southern Russian Republics like Chechnia (I probably have mispelled that)...... As far as I know, there are NO TERRORISTS from Central Russia or the republic of Mari-El where my Fiancee is from.


But, what about our "allies" from Great Britain? Ever heard of British Terrorists?


Where is Ireland? Irish Terrorists?


I bet you would see something amazing if you ever tried to calculate the terrorist risk per capita in Great Britain and compare it to the terrorist risk per capita in China......


Great Britain:

Perhaps 1000 - 5000 terrorists, 59,000,000 people.

Risk, 1 terrorist per 59,000 or 0.0017 % up to 1 per 10,000 (0.01%)



Perhaps 10 "terrorists" and 5000 mostly harmless radical students 1,319,132,500 people.

Risk: 1 terrorist per 131,913,250 or 0.00000076%


Even if you add in all of the "radical student groups", one's percentages are quite small. And, the students are generally reactionary to a situation, and have little risk outside of that situation.


Now, What are the chances that the INS would miss the couple of VERY RARE "terrorists" that might possibly come from China, even if they really exist?


Ever hear of "Identity Theft" with respect to credit cards? The same thing has to occur with passports.


My guess is that there are only a half a dozen people in this world that the USA would have even a small chance of picking up if they really wanted to enter the USA through "legal" routes. And, those half a dozen people would have absolutely no problem entering the USA through "alternative" routes.


Mmmm, perhaps fingerprints will start helping us track certain individuals, but I am not sure if the USA even has the fingerprints for the top 10 most wanted "terrorists".


How many TONS of Central American drugs enter the USA every year? How many thousands (or millions) of people manage to make it across the boarders each year? The boarders are so porous, that some people freely come and go multiple times.


Any sense of added security from these redundant security checks only demonstrates how much of a folly it all is.


----- Clifford -----

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Good post as always keelec, but think of it this way, how aware were you of any of this before you started an international relationship, right there lies the problem us Americans remain ignorant of so much around us that we just accept whatever the government does an says it is to protect us to keep us safe from all those terrorists, the Government says they hate us cause we are rich, No they hate us cause we are arrogant and want to make them change their way of life to suit us. anyway like somebody else said the terrorists won we are cowering in fear, or our Government is at least.

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Well, to be fair, there are Russian Terrorists....

ahh, but Clifford I was eluding to the bet you proposed in you previous post. You had mentioned:


"I am already at the 90 days Post NVC with still no P3/P4 or interview date from Moscow. (My application left NVC on almost the same date that nitrigon's application arrived). We will see who's application manages to make it to the next step first!!!!!!! "


I propose a friendly wager taken to the ultimate goal:


The first one of us to hug our finance/wife on US soil with a valid K visa wins. The stakes??


1) A picture of a homecooked meal (with fiance/wife) posted to the forum.

2) Arrange to have Se Lang's blue thingies reset (lmao)

3) or you decide.


Are you up for it?



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top ten definintions of administrative processing

10: due to the events of 911

9: due to the events of 911

8: due to the events of 911

7: due to the events of 911

6: due to the events of 911

5: due to the events of 911

4: due to the events of 911

3: due to the events of 911

2: due to the events of 911

1: due to the events of 911

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Actually, I got back from my first trip to Russia less than a week BEFORE 9/11/2001 :)


I felt awfully lucky that I didn't find myself stranded in the Moscow airport with an expired visa and no place to go.


As far as the folly with security stuff.


I have laughed about the airline security ever since it was implemented.


1) If one is doing Quality Assurance and the product fails a "Random Spot Check".... What is the response? THROW OUT THE WHOLE BATCH.


At the airlines, if a random spot check is failed, they send the one person that they caught back, and continue processing the rest of the people as if nothing had happened.


Just think about it..... Try to send 10 terrorists through Airline Security. If one gets caught.... Can they still do the job with the other 9?


2) Do I think I could get more "Lethal" weapons through airport security than the 9/11 terrorists used? YES, 100%.


On the news, they publicized that if you drove anywhere near the St. Lous airport in a SUV, you would be stopped and inspected. But, passenger cars were not "inspected", even though most have trunks with nearly as large of capacity as SUV's. Hmmm, didn't the Washington DC Sniper just use a converted passenger car? I don't think they were even checking delivery trucks.


Of course, the risks at the airports had nothing to do with what was happening on the ground. It was all a risk of what was happening in the air. But, they still used to stop all SUVs at the St. Louis Airport.


Last February, I made a Steel Heart sculpture with a steel Arrow through it (securely welded in place, with a blunt tip) as a wedding gift for my brother. I was stopped by airline security and forced to check the sculpture on the plane. I am sure that the sculpture was less dangerous than the toenail clippers that some people inadvertently carry onto the planes. And, I couldn't imagine how much someone might laugh if I had tried to threaten them with it.


Anyway, perhaps the Visa Scrutiny is more for show than anything else.... But, I am sure that it doesn't fool the "real terrorists" for a second.


----- Clifford -----

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Well, to be fair, there are Russian Terrorists....

ahh, but Clifford I was eluding to the bet you proposed in you previous post. You had mentioned:


"I am already at the 90 days Post NVC with still no P3/P4 or interview date from Moscow. (My application left NVC on almost the same date that nitrigon's application arrived). We will see who's application manages to make it to the next step first!!!!!!! "


I propose a friendly wager taken to the ultimate goal:


The first one of us to hug our finance/wife on US soil with a valid K visa wins. The stakes??


1) A picture of a homecooked meal (with fiance/wife) posted to the forum.

2) Arrange to have Se Lang's blue thingies reset (lmao)

3) or you decide.


Are you up for it?





Hmmm, that would be in interesting wager....

I think (or at least I hope) that I am 3 months ahead of you in the overall process.....


I was just wondering who would finish the next step first:

-- Louis&Fiancee waiting for NVC Approval (now at 90 days)

-- Irina and Myself waiting for the P3/P4 from Moscow (now at 90 days).


Don't forget, you still have to wait the 4 to 40 days for the application to be sent from NVC to GZ.


Of course, I have heard rumors that Moscow is still using "White Slips".... A thought that terrifies me.


I have kind of wondered about the "Yellow" slips (Brown ones too???)

Did those begin as "White Slips"..... Only to be used for "emergencies"?????



I will have to try to track down some web space and post some pictures sometime soon.


Oh, and the real question is whether I will have finished reonvating my kitchen before Irina gets here.


----- Clifford ------



As far as Se Lang's "blue thingies" being reset.... It came awfully close to that happening a couple of months ago, which is the reason that his start date is not "real", and thus his posts per day are not calculated correctly.

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Ah Clifford. Maybe we should have a kitchen remodeling contest since thats next on my honey do list before Bing gets here. I just finished laying pergo in the living room. Knees are almost ready for ceramic tile in the kitchen

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Does any body know what kind of results/help can be expected from a member of congress? Although I have not submitted the K-4 petition yet, I was offered the assistance of a congressman's aid through a coworker who is friends with one. Is it a good idea to involve a congressman? Could it have adverse results? At what point should I ask for the assistance?


Not that speed is an issue. The bride just informed me that it will take her 9 months to complete the retirement procedure, and she is adament about getting that whopping 100 dollars a month. She is very serious about being a contributor, and not a burden. Awwwww, she's so sweet.

I see your point. I do think the congressman's aid can have some impact by actualy submitting "Inquires" or other such "official" requests not to mention an outright "expidite". If you get the visa a few months early not much of a problem (she has 6 months) but if you get the visa late... it starts getting real frustrating.


It seems like you are right on track without the aid because you have 8 months and are near the P4 stage. Sounds like you have a real sweety!!

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