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I got my reply back from Linda Donahue today. She said my P3 had been re-sent as of today and that it had been sent with the Chinese address i had provided for her.

Amazing! Thats all i wanted from GZ was for them to ackowledge me so i could send them my wifes address in Chinese characters.


Thank you Linda Donahue!


Sincerely, Patrick :o

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I got my reply back from Linda Donahue today. She said my P3 had been re-sent as of today and that it had been sent with the Chinese address i had provided for her.

Amazing! Thats all i wanted from GZ was for them to ackowledge me so i could send them my wifes address in Chinese characters.


Thank you Linda Donahue!


Sincerely, Patrick  :wub:

Linda is really nice.My gg got her reply within 1 day too.

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I think it is great that Linda D. has been responding to folks. It is nice to have someone that far up the food chain paying attention to what is going on. But let me just add a word of caution here and I am sure other Black Hole vets will back me up on this. Try not to bombard her with a lot of posts from a lot of people. Believe me, the door will slam shut!


Back in the Black Hole days, every time we surfaced someone who was helpful and responsive, they retreated pretty quickly when they felt they were overwhelmed. There were even cases where folks at DOS were transferred to other positions for giving out too much information. Other folks simply stopped responding.


So my word of caution is use this resource but use it wisely. Just my two cents.

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I agree with Mick.


Don't escuate problems unless it is absolutely necessary, or pester her with the little stuff. A hundred e-mails a day and you will not only bury her, but there will no longer be any time for the REALLY BIG ISSUES.


But, it is good to see that there is someone behind the whole process that cares, and that may be now understanding that the K1-K4 petitioners are REAL AMERICAN CITIZENS WITH FEELINGS TOO.


From what I have heard, there has been some effort recently to catch up with the P3 applications and etc. Perhaps they will make a target of a 15-30 day turnaround for the P3 & P4 packets (I know it may be wishful thinking).


Although it would be nice to see a system like the UK, or Canada, or South Africa where they can do a 1 week turnaround with the P3 packets and perhaps a 1 month or less turn around for the whole Visa (from the time the packet arrives at GZ), .... Maybe that is just wishful thinking for now. But, who knows what the future will bring.


In many senses, the Consulate may be just now getting caught up from the 6+ month backlog from the Black Hole. I hope with a new administration, there will be changes.


Hmmm, just like you can write to your congressman for problems, perhaps a thank-you note / note of praise directed to both your congressman and Linda D. would be in order.


Hmmm, anybody know who Linda Donahue's boss is?


----- Clifford -----

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It is good to see someone at the top who is concerned with the issues of the masses. I've seen in large organizations where the worker bees are overworked and constrained by the rules to be able to deviate from the norm to address problems that arise in individual cases, and it takes a rule maker at the top who can see the big picture and have the freedom to do the right thing. Sometimes you get people at the top who just don't give a sh*t, but fortunately that doesn't appear to be the case here. ;)



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