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"There have been a few signs that the influx is producing some anti-immigrant sentiment. A poll last year by the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations found that 60 percent of the public regarded the present level of immigration to be a "critical threat to the vital interests of the United States." Fifty-five percent said immigration should be reduced. "


I think this is the part that we should be concerned about. Several threads have recently been posted regarding alarming anti-immigration legislation. These pieces of legislation, although extreme, can have quite a bit of backing if the politicos, not matter which party, sense that they can garner votes by supporting the anti-immigration cause.


The sort of sentiment mentioned in the article could become more widespread if unemployment remains at a high level.

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I think that many WHITE Americans are very concerned about the huge demographic shift that is occurring in the country now.


Immigration is one issue. I believe that whites are a minority of the immigrants, significantly outnumbered by Hispanics, Asians, and Blacks, and Arabs.


Yet, a HUGE Portion of the ethnic shift in the USA is coming internally. Middle Class White Americans have one of the lowest birth rates in the USA, and are much more likely than many other classes to wait until the mid-30’s (or later) to begin a family.


Many other ethnic groups average larger families, and get started much younger. There are some families that have TWO generations in the same time that it takes me to have ONE.


Just think of what happens if I manage to have 2 children by age 40 (net population growth of 0).


However, a Hispanic family has 4 children (small family) between ages 16 and 22 (net growth of 2). Then each of those children have 4 more children at about the same age. Suddenly there are 16 grandchildren, and a net population growth of 8 (400% from the original couple), all in the same time span.


Yet, the problem is more GLOBAL than anything else.


After centuries of huge population growth, China has done a wonderful job at curtailing their population growth. Many other countries are not so fortunate. Perhaps the biggest excuse is limited access to birth control, or a stigma against using it. And, of course, not really caring.


It is about time that we realize that we can not fence our country in forever, but we have to deal with the population growth on a global scale.


Prior to the world crashing, we need better EDUCATION for the masses with respect to family planning. Better ACCESS to the means to limit one’s family. And, better INCENTIVES to partake in responsible global family planning.


Hmmm, I think I’ve heard of that happening somewhere in the world with a lot of success (even if it does seem quite repressive).


------ Clifford ------

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A very concise, wise, and well-stated perspective Clifford. Virtually all of your points are well taken and I was particularly pleased to see that you included the global perspective. Like it or not, we now live in an interrelated and interdependent world. Isolationsim is a thing of the past. Yes, China has taken strong measures to curb their population problem, but this has not occurred without creating other issues for the Chinese. A gradual but steady trend toward a high male to female birth ratio being one of them. But one cannot criticize their efforts. This was a big issue during the years I lived in China. All in all, I agree with you that the steps the government has taken has made a dent in the problem.


What I fear most is our country's current political isolation from the rest of the world. Other than Britian, we seem to have issues with just about everyone now. But I don't want to get on that soap box.


The world is changing and with it, so is America, like it or not.


Again, I appreciate your cogent comments. Thanks.

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