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intresting INS article

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Interesting article


I am not sure that it is such a bad sign. I am glad that the USA is proactively putting notice out that they will not look the other way towards bribery. I just hope the officials convicted of accepting (or soliciting) the bribes get dealt with HARSHLY.


Of course, the need to resort to bribery may be part of the problem too. Lotteries and quotas are just too complex of a subject for me to think about this late at night.


Earlier I saw questions about whether bribes which are accepted as being almost "normal" in some cultures would be appropriate at the INS...... Don't try it.


----- Clifford -----

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OMG!! no no no.. i'm not suggesting bribes at best in the states you might have a friend in the dept who would maybe move your application along, that kind of thing.


What I was thinking is this along with that crazy legislator and the usual middle american slant on how immigrants steal jobs etc truely doesn't give a clear picture of what really goes on.


I'm sure 99.8% of people, like us fill out the forms, make the payments, deal with the other frustrating issues and simply wait. Of course this won't make the news as it is just the norm.


It's just like the air plane that crashes and X number of lives lost, which is tragic but against the millions of miles and passangers flown it is almost amazing how safe it is.


But I do agree with you on a harsh sentence, as in the end we do have to have faith in and the ability to question the people in government.

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