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A little drama

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Now we have a little drama going on. My fiance has a daughter and from what I've read we need a letter of consent or even better she needs to get guardianship.


They were never married but the daughter is registered with the father. She almost 17. He says he all for her coming to America but I sure want to see it in writing. My GF says sometimes he's nice and sometimes he's an a-hole.


So I'm a little uncomfortable right now. My baby doesn't want to come here without her daughter and I certainly don't blame her. In fact I would question what kind of mother she is if she would leave her behind.


So anyway, I'm just venting :(





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You will need to get a notarized letter from him giving permission for the daughter to immigrate to the US. The local Notarial office probably can do this for her.


It can take this form:


I, XXXXX, the biological father of XXXX hereby give my permission for her to emigrate and live permanently to the United States of America.

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Very similiar situation, but in our case my fiance has son who is 15, and he wants to be with his mother so he actually went to the father.

It worked out well because my fiance did not have to have the battle with her ex, and father wants to stay in contact with his son, so he had to give in to the sons request.

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Ok so if I read that correctly:

Go through all this crap for all this time, finally get to interview, provide them with birth certificate of child, full album of pictures from baby on up to present age including picture in hospital when child born.

Pay for trip to Guanghzou, hotel for multiple nights and then at interview get told "Ok now you need to get DNA test done".

Return to home city, I fly back to USA send another butt load of money to some DNA company, get call from GUZ, Pay for everyone to return to GUZ so they can do a 2 second stick a Q-tip in mouth. Fly everyone back to their home. Wait for DNA results, DNA results come back fine, fly everyone back to GUZ to pick up VISA becuase consulate is to stupid to use EMS or even DHL which delivers all over China.

This is a load of bullshit, I know people will say to not bad mouth GUZ here but frankly its embarrassing to admit that your own government sticks it in your ass after you pay them 1'000s of dollars in taxes, follow every rule they have and they still try to stick it to you.


The simple fact that after all the documentation you have to provide in this process that some VO having a bad day can say "Not your child" or "Not bonifided relationship" is just beyond belief.


If they really want to check on people, just come to this board and take few minutes to read the posts from all the different CFL people about their lives, the successes and failures, and they would see that people talking openly here are not looking to scam something over them, we are simply trying to get our families on the same side of the planet, and to do that should not feel like you are on trial for some criminal offense. Fingerprints, Background checks, name checks, life story, EOR letters, financial information, personal pictures, and now they want our fiances and wives spit? I was audited by the IRS and I felt less violated.

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If she's K-2, you can probably time it so she would get the visa after her 18th birthday, and would no longer need her father's consent. You'll have to work with GUZ on this, though (it's been done)





Thanks as always. That was exactly the answer I was looking for. But from what I can see from some of the other post, I am going to gear up. I will raise abdominal hell if they pull the DNA bullshit on me. I am an American Citizen. I hope Chinese prisons are friendly hahah.





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