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My New Phone...

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I decided I needed to be more independent. Having to have my wife "take" me everywhere was getting a bit much. I'm 56...I ought to be able to go out by myself...


Soooo...I bought a electronic Mommy...and phone, and computer, and everything else except a toaster.


I went looking for a cell phone that had GPS, a translator, a phone, internet, etc.


Can't say I batted 1,000. The true sentence translator is not available for cell phones yet. But, I got everything else!


Introducing the Nokia N97mini. The hottest phone in China!


There were many phones that would do what I wanted that were much cheaper...why didn't I buy one? Because what they do, they only do in Chinese...does me no good! or they do some apps in Chinese and some apps in English...still does me no good.


The only phones I could find after searching and checking out phones for 15 hours over two days that would do what I want, in the language I needed it done in is iPhone and the N97. That is it. Nothing else. Many choices available in the US, but none here...seems like most people in China speak and read Chinese, so that is the market...oh well.


But, even though I am still trying to figure this contraption out, it is pretty cool. The English owners manual is 168 pages...I will be reading this for a long time...


I'll let ya know if I find the launch codes... :roller:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So how is that Nokia 97 working out? Nokia makes a good phone. If you don't mind me asking, how much did the phone cost you? It is too late now but I wonder if you could have bought the phone over the internet. I would like to get a new phone. The Iphone seems really cool but I don't like being locked into any data plan for 2 years. I was looking at the HTC Tilt -2 . Any chance they have any of those where you are? How is the internet access over there. Is it smooth? Is it fast? What applications do you like? Sorry for all the questions. I am looking for a new phone and wonder what is available and what will work in the States and China . I hope you enjoy your phone. Danb

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