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Hey, China is the land of free enterprise. They will try anything to make a buck. The article talked about the these tee shirts disrespecting Obama, but I think a worse insult is to Mao. What the tee shirt guy did was like putting a picture of President Hu over the face of George Washington on a tee shirt. What an insult to Mao. I don't get that lack of respect for the founder :partytime2:


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Beijing may put foot down, but you can buy them on-line..









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Talk about free enterprise

could go along with our local shirts dan

http://www.fubowear.com/servlet/StoreFront :huh:

$25 for this shirt Dan Yan would kill me. Mao/obama could be a big seller in this country on both sides of the spectrum.

Yep! Our local talk show Guy Bob Lonsbery promotes them.


For a while I noticed a bumper sticker plastered on a trafic control box near a supermarket my home, the sticker proclaimed "911 was an inside job" very irritating to see or even think about, then recently someone plastered one of the stickers from the above website that you linked to over that "Inside Job" sticker, GOOD MOVE!

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Both the shirts and the "flaming Obama" (seen in the video linked to the original picture above: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/vp/33907518#33907518 ) are humorous illustrations of the rift between Chinese and American points of view. From what I've seen both were intended to reflect positive sentiments toward Obama, but would have negative connotations for most Americans. In the video with the flaming Obama statue, you can hear the guy in the background saying "Obama »ðÀ²£¡" (i.e., "He's on fire!" referring to his popularity and celebrity). Too funny...

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Both the shirts and the "flaming Obama" (seen in the video linked to the original picture above: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/vp/33907518#33907518 ) are humorous illustrations of the rift between Chinese and American points of view. From what I've seen both were intended to reflect positive sentiments toward Obama, but would have negative connotations for most Americans. In the video with the flaming Obama statue, you can hear the guy in the background saying "Obama »ðÀ²£¡" (i.e., "He's on fire!" referring to his popularity and celebrity). Too funny...



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